Chapter 3: Colorado Surprise (Alice's P.O.V.)

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"Bye Jarad!" I say as Jarad teleports out of my room. I ponder over what he has said, and know that I'm going to need as much help as I can. I close my eyes ready to teleport over to Nathan's room when I suddenly hear footsteps outside my balcony. I open the door to find Nathan smiling at me then starts laughing.

"Alice, I heard everything. You don't need to tell me anything." he says still laughing, thinking how funny it was that he spied on Jarad and I. 

"You're such a dork!" I yell as I playfully punch him then embrace him in some sort of hug, me laughing on his shoulder.

"Then why am I your soulmate if I'm so dorky?" he asks laughing. I look in his diamond red eyes and smile as they pierce through my green/blue eyes.

"Because I absolutely lovez your dorkiness." I say smiling using our made up word that means more than love. Thats when Nathan responds by pulling me in for a kiss. I kiss back gently, and as we both pull away, we both smile at each other as we look into each other's diamond eyes.

"Anyways, I have a question about this supernatural army Jarad wants us to get. Besides you and me, what army do we have? Usually we have Lizzie, but she's captured." Nathan says in a semi scared tone.

"We'll find an army, I mean there's got to be supernaturals at school, and maybe some midnights that aren't on Trevor's army." 

"We can't trust any midnight because we have no clue which midnight's on Trevor's army and which isn't. What if we ask a midnight on Trevor's army by mistake to join us, and they betray us by killing us or giving Trevor new information we don't need him knowing? Then what?"

"You're right, so at school tomorrow we shall search for supernaturals." I say stating the obvious.

"Alright, well I better go. I hear your parents coming up and they can't know bout supernaturals and midnights."

"Alright, bye Sweetie. I lovez you." I say as I hug him quickly.

"Lovez you too." he says as he birdy pecks me then teleports back to his room. I hear footsteps come into my room, and see my mom enter my room with my bag from my "supposed sleepover with Lizzie".

"Alice, how many times do I have to tell you? Don't leave your things downstairs! Take them up to your room." she says as she throws my things on the floor and then says, "Oh by the way, dinner is going to be ready in five minutes so please come downstairs." she says and leaves. I sigh and make my way downstairs, the worn out steps creeking beneath my feet. I walk to the kitchen and look at the dinner we're having. Baked potato, steak, artichoke, salad with ranch dressing, and a cherry Dr. Pepper. My favorite dinner as a human. I give my parents a look, and they kinda look at me with stressed faces. I read my mom's thought and that's when I find out the terrible news that will change my life forever.

"Here's your plate and drink dear. Sit at the table, your father and I need to talk to you." my mom says in a calm voice. Great, and they think my favorite dinner and drink are going to help this situation. I act confused and save the sadness and yelling for when they tell me. I pull the chair out, making that squeaky noice against the wooden floor and chair then sit down. My parents sit next to me with their food and drink, the same as me, then both look me in the eyes.

"Well first of all, your father and I are getting married!" my mom says in a happy tone.

"Yay, I'm happy for you!" I say smiling, thanking God she went with telling me the good news first.

"But, here's the bad news. Your dad came all the way from Colorado to be with me, and well we're renting this house. I lied when I said I bought it, and now the landlords want to sell it. We have to move out before winter break starts, which gives us plenty of time to say goodbye to people here and pack up to move to dad's place in Colorado." she says. 

"So, you're saying forget my best friends and boyfriends that I've known forever such as Lizzie, May, and Nathan then pack up, break up with my boyfriend, and move away to some alien state to meet new friends and have my reputation be the new girl? I don't think so!" I say yelling. I hate how my mom said I can just say goodbye to my friends that I have known forever, act like they've never existed, and make new ones to connect with like them just as easily!

"Alice, please. You have until winter break to enjoy life here then you can make a new fresh start in Colorado." 

"I don't need a new fresh start! I love my life here! I'm not just going to pack my life up here and move somewhere then try to make friends like Lizzie, May, or Nathan, because that's not possible! I love my life here, mom!" 

"You'll love your life in Colorado too, just please eat your dinner and don't be upset!" 

"I'm not hungry!" I say storming away from my favorite dinner, taking my soda with me, and go to my room. I shut my door and manifest a lock so no one can bug me and decide to teleport to Nathan's room to see if he's there. I see Nathan sitting on his black furry bed looking at me sadly. I open my mouth to tell him everything, to let it all pour out, but instead he hugs me. 

"I know, Alice. No need to tell me, I heard everything." he says just hugging me tighter.

"I'm going to visit both you, May, and Lizzie though everyday! No one can stop me, thanks to my supernatural powers." I say kinda smiling.

"Please do, I still want to see my soulmate everyday!"

"I'd probably be in Colorado for school and when I'm with my mom and dad. The rest of the day, I'm teleporting here." I say smiling.

"Good, more time with my soulmate." he says smiling at me. I smile back, loving how he's not letting me go. 

"Well I was actually going to get my four hours of sleep. If you wanna sleep here you can, or you can watch tv downstairs if you don't wanna go home."

"I'll sleep now, I guess. Get that out of my way." I say as I crawl under the covers of Nathan's new water bed. He crawls in with me and cradles me in his arms, then finally we both fall asleep.

Supernaturals vs. Midnights: The Captured One (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now