chapter 1

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"On TV or computer"
#when talking with death on mirrors#
(The day and time skips)
[How many day have past]
{Peoples prov's}

Located in the recently bought house, 2711 Mesa Drive, Shibusean, NE, a family of three plus one resided, more or less comfortably. It was a 1700 square foot property, two-story home with three bedrooms, two baths, with a built-in one-car garage that held a sleek black car. A rental car.

It was a bland home, quite some way away from the nearest school, but it worked for the living situation. It was only a temporary home, anyway.

'Where the bloody hell were you, girl!?' A large and angered man by the name of Vernon Dursley shouted at his eight-year-old niece, mere moments after she walked through the barn white front door.

'I-I was at the library.' Harry managed to say in a strong yet squeaky voice that was colored with surprise.

'Trying the outsmart our Dudley, are you? Bloody well won't happen. Besides the fact, you were supposed to be here! CLEANING!' He said, nearly screaming but quiet enough to have his words say within the kindergartners "inside voice."

'I'm sorry Uncle Vernon. I'll get right to it.' Harry stuttered, running to her cupboard on dainty feet to get the cleaning supplies. You see, the family of animals, Giraffe, Whale, and Pig respectively, had recently moved to the large Shibusean, as it's an anti-witch city. According to Petunia Dursley nee Evans, it was the perfect way to get rid of the little brat they were forced to take in, those seven years ago.

When Harry came across the cupboard under the stairs, she opened the frail wooden door that was identical to the wall, disregarding the little sign in emerald crayon, reading "Harry's Room." Grabbing the correct cleaning supplies: a glass cleaner and a rag, Harry set to work on cleaning the many windows of the house. Auntie Petunia liked them clean so she could crane her long neck and spy on others with her pinched blue eyes.

'Vernon, I knew we shouldn't have moved here. I never would have thought any of them were here.' Harry suddenly hears her Aunt say from the kitchen.

'What do you mean 'Tunia? This city is against her freakish kind. She'll be dead and gone in no time.'

'I just got off the phone with Josh. You know, the musician? You met him at our wedding.' Uncle Vernon grunted in confirmation. Harry smirked lightly as she scrubbed the window with the cloth. Uncle Vernon didn't seem to like this Josh fellow.

'Yes, well, apparently his son, the one he disowned, lives here in Shibusean. He's like a local celebrity! Think that Georgia Matthews girl from Marigold, back in Surrey. That kind of celebrity.'

Harry didn't know who they were talking about but this son sure seemed popular. Georgia was a child star back in their old town.

'Matthews? Impossible. That girl was a flourishing actress. Calm down, Pet'. Then your nephew is practically hunting her kind. He won't give two pents for the freak.' Auntie sighed, but it was a worried sigh, rather than content. She didn't seem to approve of this decision. Auntie Petunia opened her mouth as if to say more but only replied with a short, curt answer.

'If you say so, Vernon.'

Unbeknownst to Vernon or the eavesdropper, Petunia was thinking of the protective nature of her brother, when it came to family. He was too old to ever have a connection with Lily, but she doubted that he would be alright with the plan she just made with her husband. Petunia was just trying to think about the fact that Josh disowned his son. Maybe he lost some of that family feel and wouldn't care. Maybe her nephew would even have some resentment for family. Well, one could hope.

On another note, Harriet stood frozen in her position, one hand still grasping the cleaning cloth, the other firmly held onto the head of a spray bottle. Millions of thoughts were running through her head like ants, crawling for a fallen piece of watermelon.

*If this son is my Auntie's nephew, that would make him my cousin and his father my uncle!* She then came to another revelation. *They lied! I do have more family! Even better, it seems that my cousin lives in town!* She then made it her duty to find her extended family before Auntie Petunia and Uncle Vernon could, so they couldn't tell her new family about her freakishness.

'Hey! Earth to freak!'

Harry was quickly snapped back to reality when her pig of a cousin jabbed his elbow into her stomach, successfully startling her and probably breaking a rib if that blood-curling snap was anything to go by.

'Get back to work, freak!'

'Shove off, Dudley...' she mumbled in anger. Dudley always interrupted her when she was thinking.

'DADDY! Freak isn't doing her chores!'

Uncle Vernon's eyes widened when he saw how close the children were to their conversation. Then, he stomped his shiny black shoes over to where she was standing and spoke.

'Go along, girl! Get to it!'

Harry sighed in disappointment, it seemed her searching would have to wait. Maybe those girls in the library could help, Miss Albern and Miss Twoboxy. They seemed nice enough if a bit violent and temperamental.

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