chapter 3

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"On TV or computer"
#when talking with death on mirrors#
(The day and time skips)
[How many day have past]
{Peoples prov's}

'Makaa!' Soul Eater whined. 'She's not even your Aunt! Why are you making me go? It's so not cool.' He groaned.

'Because she's your family, dummy, and no matter what, family sticks together.' Maka smiles. 'Besides, we're already here!'

"Here" was the home of Soul's extended family, on his father's side. They had just moved to town from Britain, where the Evans hail from.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. It's not liked they lived far away.' The demon scythe muttered as he dropped his shoulders into a slouch and put on a disinterested face. Soul complied easier than usual, because of Maka's love for family. After her mom disappeared, when she was eight, she had no family, other than that her pervert of a father, Spirit, who could hardly be considered a proper guardian or role model. Unfortunately, like Maka, Soul had family problems too.

'Do kindly shut up.'

Soul sighed.

'You are so uncool.'

Maka rolled her eyes and knocked on the door to the Dursley's new house. The door was quick to open, and tall and skinny women with a long neck answered. She seemed to bear no resemblance to Soul in any way whatsoever, despite their blood relations. Her sand-colored hair and small blue eyes, it was quite a contrast to Souls' stark white locks and crimson eyes. Well, he did take after his mother, thank Lord Death for that.

'Good afternoon!' The assumed Mrs. Dursley said in an overly sweet and noticeably British voice. 'You must be Soul and Maka. I'm Petunia Dursley.' She frowned thoughtfully.

'It's a pity we haven't made contact 'till now. It seems like it was just yesterday when Josh got married.'

There an awkward silence, and Aunt? Petunia took a look similar to a surprised bird with ruffled feathers.

'Well then, yes, yes. Do come in.'

The pair of DWMA students looked at each other blankly before following her into the pristine house. Once inside, she cleared her throat to gather the attention of her guests.

'This is my husband, Vernon Dursley, and my son, Dudley.' She said with a large smile of horse-ish teeth. 'Dudley, this is your cousin, Soul, and his friend Maka.' She said, introducing everyone. Petunia, (it seemed to be better without the title), seemed to be eyeing Soul unusual appearance, the white hair pulled back with a headband, the sharp teeth, and the glowing red eyes, with distaste. Meanwhile, Vernon seemed to be excited uncomfortably, his large pink face bearing an equally large smile.

'Hi.' Dudley said.

'Damn kid, you are fa-' Soul starts before Maka delivered a sharp blow to the ribs with her elbow. '-ntastically dressed.' He finished lamely, having it sound more like a question then the intended statement.

'It's a pleasure to meet you.' Maka said politely, bowing her head in greeting. There is an awkward silence where everyone is quiet before Petunia clears her throat again.


'Eat?' Dudley suggested uncertainly, glancing at his parents.

'Brilliant idea, son, brilliant!' Vernon enthusiastically complimented. Petunia then lead the way to the dining room in an uncomfortable silence

The dining room was decently sized, a large, leafed table that it was clearly the size for five people. On it, there was an assortment of delicious foods, with more on the counter. It was no wonder the father and son bared such resemblance in size if this was how much the two regularly ate. It astonishing the amount the two could consume as students at the DWMA, they had to stay in great shape. Not that they had a choice, seeing as the stairs to the entrance of the school were very tall.

'We thought we'd prepare traditional American food, as you both are the guests.' Petunia said, gesturing at the burgers, chicken, potato salad, and chips. 'I hope you like the fruit hat and parkin, though. Dudley suggests you try them.'

Silence then reined once again over the awkward party. The Dursley's seem to quickly dig into the food, the boys more so, as Maka and Soul ate sparingly. Their appetites had shrunk significantly in the Dursley's, particularly Vernon's, presence.

Unable to watch Vernon and Dudleys' table manners or lack thereof, Maka asked to use the restroom, leaving Soul at the mercy of his newfound family, despite his desperate glances.

'Go back to the living room and lake a left at the stairs and turn, dear.' Petunia said.

Cringing at the condescending tone, she left. As Maka turned and headed for the bathroom door, she froze. She felt it again.





The witch's soul.

*The witch?!* Maka though. *Why would they be here? Are they following me?* felt close, after all.

*As much as I dislike their personas, that does not mean they should be at the mercy of a witch! How did I not notice it before!? They're so close!* She thought, following the invisible trail to the place where the witch should be. She found herself facing the small cupboard door underneath the stairs. Maka sighed, her hand barely touching the suspicious lock on the small handle.

*I really shouldn't be snooping around.* She thinks. *But it's a witch! Soul could become a Death Scythe with that kind of soul! You know what, I should just call Lord Death.*

Maka put her hand in her pocket to grab the pocket mirror, only to realize that she wasn't wearing her coat.


Rushing back to the bathroom, as a bathroom must have a mirror, she noticed that the bathroom wasn't finished. The floor was bare of bathroom tiles and there was no shower head or curtain. Or a mirror.

Stepping out of the bathroom, she slowly made her way back to the cupboard door, where she was sure the witch was hiding. If she needed help, Soul was just in the other room.

Faster than she knew she could, Maka picked the lock with a bobby pin from her hair and opens the door to the place that should usually contain cleaning supplies. Not even knowing exactly what it is that she is even looking for, she peeks inside the small door and gasps, a flood of realization coming her way.

*Soul was right. I am so incredibly stupid.*

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