Chapter 2

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I woke to my mom screaming downstairs. I raised up and ran to the staircase when I heard her sobbing and talking to someone.

I was about to go down but I saw a guy only wearing black clothes aiming a gun at her. A tear rolled down my cheek as I stayed in place startled by what that guy was saying to her.

"I'm giving you two options, in both cases your daughter is coming with me! You could be a good mom and let me take her without saying anything and in exchange, I'll send you 1 million cash every month. Orrr, you decide to try something to keep me from taking her and it'll end up by you getting hurt and me kidnapping your daughter. You choose!"

What the fuck, who's that guy?!?

"No please not my daughter! She's my everything I c-can't let you take her." My mom said sobbing.

"Well if you let me take her you might be able to see her again."

"Tsk tsk tsk" the guy said disapproving I don't know what.

"You should put that phone down before I shoot you."

"I c-can't let you take her" my mom tried to tell this dude.

I can't let him shoot my mom!

I ran downstairs and halted in front of my mom to protect her.

"Bree go back upstairs." She told me but I didn't listen.

"No mom! I'm going with him."

"W-what?" My mom said shocked.

"Good decision Bree." The guy said making me tense up.

I know that voice!

"Of course you do mate."

"No no no I thought it was a dream!"

"What's going on?" My mom asked but she didn't get her answer.

I turned around to face her and hugged her like never before. I cried uncontrollably on her shoulder as she did the same on mine.

"I love you mom..."

"I love you too honey."

And with that I let go of her and walked out of my house with the guy. I followed him to a black car and he opened the back door for me. I got in and he sat next to me. I looked up to see another guy in the driver seat.

"We can go Arnold."

We drove off. I tried to contain my cries but I couldn't. I cried uncontrollably all the way to wherever we were going.

"Shhh baby it's ok." The guy tried to comfort me rubbing my knee.

"Don't touch me!" I snapped taking his hand off.

He didn't try anything else and I was glad. I stopped crying once the car stopped in front of a freakin mansion. Guess I was too shocked to cry anymore.

"Woah" I said as the guy turned to me, chuckling.

"Wait until you see the inside baby girl."

He got out of the car and offered me his hand but I got out myself and bumped his shoulder on purpose.

"You'll have to change that attitude hm."

"In your dreams!" I snapped at him.

Who does he think he is?! He kidnaps me and expects me to be respectful.

"You'll have to get used to it tho." He said before opening the door.

"I don't know how you're doing this but you need to stop!" I said walking in.

This place was amazing, there was a big red circular carpet in the center and two staircases on each side of it, glued to the walls. They were leading to a little balcony and I guessed that there was some rooms too on that floor. Underneath the balcony and between the two staircases there was a big hallway where I could vaguely see some paintings on the walls from where I was standing. Everything was white and neath.

This place looks like a castle, damn.

"Where's my room?"

"Come with me, I'll show you."

I followed him up the stairs on the right and at the end of the balcony/hallway, I saw two wooden double doors engraved by hand and two meters high approximately.

He got a silver chain, around his neck, out of his black hoodie that had a key attached to it and bent down to unlock the double doors with it.

He got back up and opened the doors to grant me the access to the bedroom.

There was a black double king sized bed I'd say, in the middle of the farthest wall, that wasn't really a wall but more like three giant windows. The  three other walls were white and there was two black nightstands on each side of the bed, with two black lamps.

The wooden floor was the same color as the doors, a deep brown. On the right I noticed two white doors that I guessed were leading to a walk-in closet and on the left there was a frosted glass door that was opened letting me see the nice bathroom.

Bed not made, shoes and clothes all over the ground. This room looks used by someone!

"Yes it is... by me!"

Wait a sec. No way, he's not actually expecting me to live in the same room as him?!

"Yes way! Now come with me I have a contract you need to sign."


"Ooooh baby you shouldn't have screamed at me, you already messed up the first rule. You wouldn't want a punishment already would you?" He said with an evil grin looking at me up and down.

"Your parents never told you that staring is rude?"

"Not if what I'm staring at his mine."

I huffed and rolled my eyes at him.

"I'm far from being yours! I don't even know your name stalker."

He walked up close to me making me back up and hit a wall. He put both hands above my head and licked his lips exploring my body with his hazel eyes before meeting mine.

"Jacob..." he answered before titling his head next to my ear whispering " but it'll be daddy for you"

He bit my ear making my breath itch and then kissed my neck.

"In your dreams Jacob. Don't touch me!" I said pushing him off and walking into the bathroom.

I locked the door and sat on the white toilet putting my head in my hands.

The bathroom had a shower that consisted of a big see through glass and black ceramic walls and floor. There was a long and white counter with two sinks and a mirror going all the way to the top of the wall with two white vanities on each side of it. The floor was made out of the same ceramic as in the shower but it was heated.

On the farthest end was a white bathtub that looked more like a hot tub.

What the freak was that?! I can't believe this. I just want to go home... But I wonder why he keeps calling me 'mate'?! It doesn't make sense, I'm not his freakin friend!

~Knock knock knock~

"Mate come out, I'll explain you!"


"That's it mate, you're getting punished!"

The doorknob started turning and I heard some keys.



Hope y'all liked this chapter! Don't forget to leave a star and comment for more ;)
Much love ~J

The incubus and his sex slave|| J.SWhere stories live. Discover now