Chapter Twelve

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C h r i s t i a n - Chapter twelve

I pull away from Toni as a smile spreads across her face. Her eyes were closed and I could feel her breath against my face. I smirk as her eyes slowly open. She was still smiling and panting from the loss of air. I rest my forehead against hers and smile.

"Why did you kiss me?" I shrug and hear her chuckle. She places a hand on my cheek and rubs her thumb against my bottom lip. I open my eyes to see her staring at me. I already known im falling for her, I already know she feels something towards me.

T o n i

Since the kiss with Christian, I couldnt look at him the same way. He left after an hour of talking and eating random food we found in my pantry. I ended up asking Karisma and Kirsten to come over and stay the night.

"He kissed you! Like on the lips?" Karisma was going balistic over my news and Kirsten was just jumping around everywhere. I squeal and nod my head as Karisma hugs me, both of us jumping. "How was it?" I plop myself onto my bed and lay back.

"It was, amazing." I lay my arms over my head as I feel them both sit on my bed. I uncover my face and see them laying next to me on my bed as the light shines through my windows, causing a little light in my room.

"Do you like Chris?" I look to my left and see Kirsten looking at me. "I wont tell him if you dont want me too." I chuckle and sit up on my side towards Kirsten as she does the same, leaning her head in the palm of her hand.

"I think ive liked him since we first met." I pause. "The way he smiled at me when I first walked in. As cheesy as it sounds, I felt like we were the only two in the room." Kirsten smiles widely and Karisma lays on me as she giggles.

"You guys would make a cute couple. I wonder if he will ever ask you out!" I giggle and cover my face with my hands as Karisma and Kirsten start laughing at me. We end up dressing in animal onesies and plugging my phone into the speaker. I start blasting music as we start dancing around my living room.

I pull my giraffe hoodie on my head and swing my tail around as Karisma dances on top of the coffee table. Kirsten lays on the couch laughing as we all start laughing together. I hear the door bell ring and skip over to the door.

Opening it up I see Crawford standing there smiling. Once he looks me over he starts laughing and almost chokes on air. "You look amazing!" I softly punch his shoulder and let him into my house as he starts laughing at Karisma and Kirsten who were now dancing together.

He goes to the pantry and grabs a bag of chips and then sits in the recliner. I take a seat on the floor and grab out my phone to see a text from Chris to meet him on my trampoline.

"I'll be back guys." They nod and go back to talking about their time touring. I laugh softly and walk out of my house and see Chris sitting there. I slowly get on and smile as he turns his head to face me. "You texted?"

"Yeah. We need to talk." My smile fades and I sit across from him, bringing my knees up under my chin. "You look nice by the way." I watch him smile and blush.

We sit there for awhile just staring up at the sun set. It was getting cold and I bet they were watching us by now.

"You wanted to talk?" He clears his throat and nods his head. I smile and scoot closer to him as he smiles.

"I wanted to talk about the kiss. I didn't mean to randomly do it. I enjoyed it don't get me wrong. But I can't just kiss you and stay friends." I smirk and get were he was going with this.

"We don't have to be friends." I didn't know what I was getting myself into. I didn't know how people would react or how his fans would take it.

"I want to be something more." With those words I knew he was going to ask me. He turns his head and kisses me cheek. I lay my head on his shoulder and smile. "Will you be mine Toni?"

I smile and feel the tears welling as he looks at me and smiles. I sit up and grab his face softly, pulling him closer to me. Our noses touch as I giggle softly.

"Of course I will be yours."

One of a Kind// chris collinsWhere stories live. Discover now