Chapter 27

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White fluffy clouds float across the sky hiding the sun. The day may be overcast but that won't rescue us from the dry humidity that threatens to steal the air right out of my lungs the moment that I step outside. I stand on the beach with my hands on my hips watching as the clouds pass quickly, wondering how long we will have to work on self-defense before those dark clouds off in the distance reach us.

I hear Christian drag his sluggish self through the sand wishing he hadn't drank so much the night before. I made him come today, reminding him that he is here because I need him. Ok so I made him feel guilty but the thought of learning self defense from the man that raped me ten years ago makes me want to turn and run the other way screaming.

I know what he has threatened, and I know he also has the means to carry out those threats, so I push on, acting as if nothing has changed. The fear of losing everyone I love, looming in the back of my mind as a gentle reminder to play it cool, to lie.

"I am here but I am not participating," Christian grumbles as he follows me further down the beach where a group of shirtless, musclebound men continue their rigorous morning exercise.

We stand silently at the side waiting for them to notice us while we watch their muscles strain with each burpee. We watch as they stand, drop to a squat with their hands on the ground in front of them, kick their legs out behind them into a plank like position before pulling their legs back into the squat and jumping up. Sweat dripping down their hard bodies before cascading through the air with the movement of their bodies.

"I can sit here and watch this all day," Christian says before dropping to the ground with a mixture of relief and lust openly displayed on his face. His attention span is comparable to that of a four-year-old child in a candy store, his eyes darting around at each yummy morsel unable to choose which one is his favorite.

I sit down on the sand beside him watching him out of the corner of my eye, amused by his openness, catching the moment his vision zeros in on one person in particular. I follow his gaze, finding Jayden at the end of it.

"He's straight," I say with a chuckle, wondering what Jayden would think if he knew Christian was checking him out?

Christian glances at me but quickly returns his attention to Jayden. "No, he's not," He says sporting a devious smile.

"I can assure you that he is straight. I have known him all of my life."

"A hundred bucks says he hasn't completely stepped out but he's not straight," Christians says, his eyes never leaving Jayden.

"The last time you set your sights on a man that you insisted was gay I lost a hundred bucks. It won't happen this time, so deal." I raise my hand for him, he shakes it sealing the deal.

"Just so you know, my dearest friend, it takes one to know one."

"You're dead wrong this time." I assure him and stand when I see the group separate, alerting me that it's time for my training. "Behave yourself," I order afraid he will wind up being the cause of a war on this very beach.

"Of course, but I think I will learn those self-defense techniques." He rushes ahead of me stopping in front of Jayden. I can't hear what they are saying just the slight hissing of lowered voices as they speak. My heart pounds in my chest, waiting for Christian to get a fist to the face but soon the two of them turn toward me, Jayden patting Christian on the shoulder. Relief is instantaneous when they reach me and Christian's still alive.

"Are the two of you ready to begin?" Jayden asks his hands propped on his lean hips as if it didn't bother him one bit that Christian was standing so close staring at him with obvious adoration.

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