Chapter 2 : Lessons and butterflies

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Midoriya POV :
While everyone is heading to their seats I reach my hand into my bag and grab my math note book. I open ut to page 53 where we had left off. I get my mechanical all might penceil from my penceil case. I lay thr penceil next to my note book as aizawa begins to speak. (Dont @ me if I spell there names wrong) I set my arm on thr desk and lay my head atop of it. And as usual a note lands on my desk. The first time this happened i wasnt sure if it was for me. Knowing who this already from I shove it in my pocket knowing fully Kacchan probably said someting like I dont deserve to be here or I should swan dive iff of the roof. He may call me a idiot but he's more dumb than me if he actually says that to a person. What would the moron do if I actually did it... Ill probably find out tommorow all though I wont be able to see the guilt on his face. Thats fine with me though. It would probably hurt more if I did see his face. "Midoriya pay attention" I hear aizawas voice snap me out of my thinking along with the childish giggles across thr classroom "Yes sir" Instead of laying my head back down I begin taking notes of things I already knew. But every now and then I cant help but looking up apon my peers and every time I only think about how much they hate me. They probably think I'm a nerd with no potentiel, they all probably think like Kacchan. But sometimes when I look up I catch them glancing at me before quickky looking away. They're making fun of me aren't they. Their wispers are echoing in my head about what they might be saying about me. "Check out that loser." or "Idiot just got called on by the teacher." And as small as those sentences might be or how they dont even affect other people, those words still burn me like acid. But they're right, I'm a dumb, worthless, loser. I couldn't have even gotten here wuthout someone else's quirk. That's how pathetic I am. Once again lost in thought I get scared when thr bell rings for dismissal. I slowley gather my things as to not be to hasty. I want to wait till Kacchan leaves but he's sitting at his desk talking to Kirishima. I sigh and throw my bag over my shoulder and start heading towards the door. Everythings fine until I'm alone in a hallway, it's hard to get a moment to yourself in thid school with all the students but since I waited so long mostly everyone was gone. I keep walking by myself in this hallway that seems to keep getting bigger and bigger until I'm pushed to the wall by none other than Kacchan "Well look who it is, worthless, lonely deku." He stated while sadisctally grinning "What are you doing by your lonesome ?  Did your stupid friends finally realize how useless you are?" Thr words stung like a snake bite but I stayed quite and turned my head, even the smallest words from me will set him off "Huh ?  Does Worthless deku thinks he's better than me?!" I coukd hear his quirk activating, I prepared my self for a heavy blow... But it never came. "Excuse me Bakugo but Midoriya and I have some 'buisness' to attend to" a cold voice rang out. The man grabbed my arm and started walkibg away with me. I look up and saw Todoroki?! For some reason I coukd feel my face heating up and the butterflies soaring in my stomach. "T-Todoroki?!" I question him. Instead of responding he just looked at me and kept walking. I turned around to see bakugo turning into a ticking time bomb that looks like its about to explode, but, he didn't do anything. He just turned away and started walking. On the other hand Todoroki didnt let go of my wrist until we were outside the school. "Are you okay?" He said while carefully lookibg across my face "Did he hurt you" he asked camly but it only made me more nervous so I covered my face until he grabbed my arms and slowly put them down "You don't look hurt, but if he did hur-" I cut him off "I-I'm finr r-really" I looked away from him but I can tell he was relieved "Good" he stated before facing the other direction and compeletly ditching me "W-WAIT" I called after him making him stop dead in his tracks. "What?"

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