More Wolverine

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I just saw the movie Logan and I'm officially broke down to pieces.

R.I.P. Logan.
You will be loved.

You sat down on your couch and started to read the X-men comic books.
You knew they were fake but they were fun to read anyways.

You were reading happily until you heard a dark voice.
"You know those comics are bullshit right?"
Your heart stopped for a second or two but you shook it off and continued reading.
You heard footsteps approach you and, your comic book was snatched out of your hand.
You looked up to see Logan holding the comic book, starring at it.

"They took a dark event and twisted it up to make it all happy and kid friendly."
He threw the comic book on the couch making a loud noise.

"Its all bullshit and lies."

He walked away and you grabbed the comic book and starred at it for a while.
Why dose he have to be such a jerk all the time?@
You grabbed the comic books and went to your room shoving all the comics in your closet.
You slammed the door shut and walked over to your bed collapsing on it.
"He's such a jerkkk."

You mumbled things that aggravated you into your pillows and ended up becoming to tired to talk.
You sighed knowing he was probably never going to change considering he only has a tiny bit of compassion in his heart and nobody ever sees it.
You didn't hate him it's just sometimes you wish he'd let you be alone and stuff.
At least you always had your dad to talk to and stuff.
He was pretty fun most of the time, other times he was just a big idiot.
You smiled knowing that that big idiot was your dad.

You kept wondering weird things like, how many potatoes dose it take to fill a bathtub? And Why dose Logan always wear white shirts if he knows he's going to get a-lot of blood on them, like why can't he just wear a blood red colored shirt, or maybe a black shirt? Why white?
You ended up wondering so many random questions that you fell asleep.

Sorry I didn't update this book for so long!
I completely forgot about this book then I watched Logan for the first time last night and I realized that I needed to update this book.
That movie was super sad though!
I cried a lot, like why did they kill him?!? OUT OF ALL THE PEOPLE IN THE UNIVERSE, WHY MY LOGAN!?!
Marvel hands me infinity war and crushes me then I see Logan and I get crushed again, Like how marvel gonna do me like that?
Honestly I'm trying my best to pretend that movie never happened but I can't get over it and the ending was super sad too.
Like, Logan's daughter took the cross and made it into an X for X-men, like that just made my heart crumble even more.

R.I.P. Logan.
You will be loved forever.

𝗗𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗽𝗼𝗼𝗹𝘀 𝗗𝗮𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁𝗲𝗿 Where stories live. Discover now