You're Owl I Need 14

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"AKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASHI!" Bokuto screamed it at the top of his lungs. Akaashi froze and turned his head slowly towards him.

"I'm sorry. I was mean and selfish and rude to you and you deserve someone so much better than the person who hurt you!" Bokuto was panting. "But I love you and I promise to cherish you, and just, please. One more! One more chance!"

Akaashi smiled and turned fully towards Bokuto. His eyes were full of tears, and they were slowly sliding down his face.

"I love you too, but you'll find someone else." Akaashi raised his arms and fell backwards.

Bokuto sprinted and slide to the edge, catching Akaashi's wrist.

"I can't let you go." His tears stained Akaash's. "Please."

"I'm sorry for being a burden. I'm sorry for all the pain." Akaashi struggled against Bokuto's hold. "Just let go." He was hanging from the ledge and he needed to drop. The sense of déjà vu washed over him

"No, I won't. You need to live, you have so much to live for. Please hold on, please stay. I can't lose you too. It's either I save you and we live together, or I join you into the darkness of death." Bokuto's eyesight was blurry from all the tears.

Akaashi nodded, "The world can't lose the sunshine you give Koutarou. Stay."

"I'm saving you too." Was all he replied and started pulling Akaashi up.

"I don't deserve you," Akaashi mumbled and Bokuto shook his head smiling, wiping at both their tears.

"I don't care, I don't care as long as I have you. Don't leave again please." He pressed his forward against Akaashi's.

"I won't, I promise."

They kissed and poured all their emotion into it. Bokuto pressed Akaashi against him more and Akaashi moaned. Bokuto took that as an opportunity to slide his tongue and they kissed and kissed.

"I love you Keiji, "Bokuto whispered kissing his neck. He sucked and licked and bite, leaving hickeys all over Akaashi's neck.

Akaashi could only whimper and moan in reply. He had never experienced this type of pleasure, only pain. No one had treated him so gently before in such an intimate way. And he was loving every second, every moment, every minute of it.

When Bokuto's hands started sliding up his shirt, however, Akaashi had to stop it. "Not here Koutarou," He said firmly, pushing himself away. He was breathless and Bokuto let him with away with little resistance.

"Let's continue this somewhere else," Akaashi said, straightening his shirt somewhere. Bokuto beamed and held Akaashi's hand the whole way home, waiting for their time together.

Prepare for badly written smut in the next chapter.

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