Chapter 3

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"Okay, what do we know?" asked Hotch striding into the conference room where everyone was grouped.

"The effects of the gas follow a set pattern, suggesting it's been chemically altered for that specific purpose," announced JJ.

"There was no evidence left at K street and no witnesses, which tells us the unsub knows what he's doing and has planned out his attacks methodically," Derek stated, "we've had no taunts or groups claiming responsibility, so it looks like our guy is working alone,"

"and that means we need to figure out if the attacks are part of a personal vendetta or political statement," followed Emily.

Reid, who had been sat quietly flipping through books and files suddenly rose from his chair, "BZ gas!" he shouted, "that's the only gas that could've been altered in such a way to present with these symptoms. Usually it's not this harmful, but depending on the dose and how he's altered it, it certainly could be."

"Okay, inform the hospital and labs of what you found so they can confirm what it is and its dosage," instructed Hotch. 

With that, Reid left the room at the same time as Garcia entered, computer in one hand and sparkly pen in the other, "Sir, from what I can see, other than through their work, there is nothing else to connect these victims. They live in different neighbourhoods, eat at different restaurants, kids go to different schools, but they all worked as lobbyists on the hill- not in the same departments, but all of them did work on K street."

"Do you know what they were each working on last Garcia?" asked Rossi.

"We've got a gun control bill, a data protection bill, the Nutella tax- personally I think that one is ridiculous, I mean why would anyone want less-"

"Garcia." Hotch interrupted,

"Sorry sir, point being, despite these people being in a profession where they receive a lot of public criticism, it doesn't look like anyone was specifically targeted. None of their bills had anything to do with gas, and it doesn't look like any of them had received any threats," Garcia finalised.

"Okay, but this guy is organised, and he's clearly planned out everything to the last detail, he wants to cause these victims as much pain as possible, which means that he did target this group specifically. So why lobbyists?" Theorised Emily.

The room fell silent for a moment, each person racking their brain for an answer.

"Maybe it's not about the victims at all," started JJ; everyone looked up to where she was standing, "remember what Dr Collins said Hotch? These attacks are horrific for anyone who has to witness its effects. Families have had to watch their loved ones become so deranged and violent towards themselves that they had to be put in restraints, even the doctors were uncomfortable at the sight. So maybe this is a political statement, maybe it's about the publics reactions to the attacks."

Everyone considered this- it made sense. But what was this guy trying to do?

Garcia pulled them from their thoughts with a gasp, "Sir, there's been another attack! The DC police got a call from one of the employees at Alden Law Firm saying people were acting crazy and shouting gibberish, so far nine people have reportedly been affected."

"It's only 9am, they won't have even been in the building for longer than an hour, none of the other victims presented with symptoms this early," stated Emily.

"He must have upped the dosage from the last attack," Reid deduced.

"But why? Was the last attack not exciting enough for him?" spat JJ.

"Well if we think about this in terms of him wanting a reaction from the public, then perhaps not. Since the first attack, there has been no media covering the story at all. Maybe that's what he really wants," Rossi suggested.

"But if that was true, then he would've claimed responsibility or tried to make a name for himself already," debunked Emily, "so he must want the media attention for another reason."

"We can consider that as we go, but for now we have a crime scene to go to," declared Hotch, and with that, Morgan, Prentiss, Blake and Rossi went to Alden Law Firm, while Hotch, JJ and Reid went back to the hospital- a place they were beginning to hate even more. 

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