chapter 14

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Hotch, JJ and Reid were speeding through the DC streets, followed by an army of SWAT agents and bomb techs- when it comes to murderers creating bioweapons, you can never be too cautious. They had local law enforcement standing by on the edge of the property waiting for their arrival- they didn't want to get too close to the barn and fear tipping Mayfield off.

As they pulled up, JJ and Reid had already began strapping on their Kevlar vests, and the local LEO's (lead by their chief of police), approached them hastily, "No movement can be seen inside the barn sir, are we sure he's in there?" he asked, addressing the question to Hotch, who was suited up and wore his dark sunglasses like a war mask- there was no way he wasn't the leader of the group.

"No, we don't know for sure, but even so, we need to stay vigilant; Mayfield is an extremely smart, dangerous man, and he most definitely has the know-how to set up traps and fail safes in the barn. So we stay cautious, and watch each other's backs." Each person in the huddle nodded silently.

The SWAT team pulled up behind the SUV and jogged over to the group. The SWAT leader explained the best mode of entry into the barn that minimalised opportunities for escape, because this barn was no normal barn. Using infrared imaging from helicopters and satellites, they could see that there had been rooms and tunnels built under the main part of the barn- which also had 2 other sections added onto it above ground. Maps were given to each small team who would be sticking together during the raid, and their course was shown explicitly. Each small group was instructed to stay close together, and nobody, under any circumstances, was allowed to break off from the group.

JJ, two officers and two SWAT agents entered the left wing of the barn. The SWAT agents entered first, followed by JJ and then the police officers. They filled the room and checked every corner available- no unsub.

"Clear," JJ announced over the intercom.

Meanwhile, Spencer, two officers and two SWAT agents entered the right wing of the barn and did the same.


Hotch and his group stormed the central part of the barn and uncovered a trap door situated against the back wall, which they assumed to be the entrance of the underground tunnels. He waited for Reid and JJ's teams before pulling open the wooden door and allowing the SWAT agents to file in. The BAU agents gave each other a slight nod of confirmation before following closely behind.

The steps down from the main level were steep and uneven, and the lack of lighting didn't help. They each took out their flashlights and held them up alongside their raised guns. Grey cement bricks lined the corridors, which were a narrow width of 5 ft- not quite enough room for 2 people to walk beside each other, so they remained single-file, marching down like military soldiers in trenches- cold, fearful and ready for attack. They came upon a large, grey metal door on their left; circling around it, they counted down from 3 preparing themselves to enter.

As they burst through the door, a silent alarm must have been triggered as in the next few moments, more than half of the group went down.

The leading two SWAT agents were struck in the necks by arrows, ending their lives in an instant. 

A large, weighted hunting net came falling from the ceiling, capturing the three men bring up the rear.

Hotch and Spencer fell to the ground when a wooden log came flying across the room, sweeping  their legs from beneath them. They both landed with a large thud on their left shoulders and pained groans escaped their lips. 

"Spence!" JJ shouted, running around the agents infant of her, towards them. But before she could reach them, a glass panel came quickly sliding down infant of her, blocking her from reaching them.

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