Chapter 12

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She must've blacked out at some point because when Emily awoke, she was bombarded with an overload of voices and movement around her. Her sight still remained a forever deepening darkness, which only amplified the sound that filled her overcompensating eardrums. Emily couldn't focus on what was happening or what was being said, all she knew was that there was a lot of people touching and tugging at her and she did not like it; she began to fight back against the hands that restrained her, kicking and punching anything in her range of motion. 

Alex was taken aback at the scene that had unfolded before her- less than a minute ago Emily had passed out in Derek's arms, seconds later, four doctors came rushing in and began checking over a limp, feeble Emily in a furious attempt to bring her back to consciousness. Now, that previously frail, wavering woman was writhing in revolt at the doctors endeavours, and appeared to be doing a pretty good job of it. She got in a strong kick to one doctors stomach, sending him tumbling to the ground along with a metal instruments tray that came crashing down next to him. The thunderous sound sent Emily into an even more frenzied outburst- her right arm flew out to her side, striking another doctor in the nose, which sent her flying backwards onto Derek's bed. The two remaining doctors did their best to keep hold of the turbulent agent but were failing tremendously, so Derek, Rossi and Alex stepped in to help. The two doctors, Blake and Rossi took a limb each and pinned it to the bed, while Derek climbed on top of Emily and straddled her waist; holding his lovers face between his hands he spoke gently,

"Emily, sweetheart, you are okay, you are safe."

Her eyes were clenched tightly shut and she was still twisting and twitching beneath him, so he spoke to her again, "Come on baby, listen to me, listen to my voice. It's Derek, Emily it's Derek."

The squirming slowed, as did her breathing, "that's it, that's good. You stay with me alright. You are okay and we are gonna take care of you, I promise."

Everyone in the room stayed perfectly still for fear that any movement would send Emily back into a frightened fury, Derek softly stroked her face until he felt that she had truly calmed down. Finally he nodded for the others to slowly release her limbs and back away quietly.

"Princess I know you can't see, but these nice doctors need to take a look at those beautiful brown eyes of yours, can you open them up for me?"

Emily very slowly began to unclench and lift up her tired eyelids, "well hey there," Derek cooed. A doctor cautiously came over and waved a pen light over her pupils, checking their dilation, while Blake and Rossi helped the two injured doctors up from the floor.

"I'm going to give her a sedative to keep her calm," said one of the doctors, while another began strapping restraints to her wrists.

"Is that really necessary?" asked Alex, pointing to the cotton ties.

"It's protocol I'm afraid- it's for her safety as well as ours."

Emily tugged at the restraints weakly, but gave up after a few attempts with an exhausted sigh, "Derek.." she whimpered.

"It's okay, the doctors are just trying to help you feel better."

Emily's body stiffened then instantly relaxed as the sedative entered her system; the fear that had previously filled her eyes had been replaced with a mild placidity.

"Feel better?" Derek asked.

Emily nodded her head with a goofy grin developing on her face- the drugs they gave her must have been pretty strong. The rest of the rooms occupants chuckled, grateful for the change in tone.

"Is she going to be okay?" asked Blake.

The doctors looked at one another, as though they were deciding whether to actually tell them the truth or not. One stepped forward and released a slow breath, 

"it appears agent Prentiss is indeed suffering the symptoms of the gas, and they seem to be progressing somewhat rapidly. We don't know for sure how long she has before the effects become life threatening, and until we find the antidote, all we can do for her is keep her as comfortable as possible."

They each felt like they'd been kicked in the stomach, that was not what they ever wanted to hear. They each naively thought that by some miracle, maybe Emily wasn't actually suffering from the gas, but perhaps just a normal bug she'd caught. But who were they kidding? With their job, they never got the hopeful outcomes.

"How long would you reckon?" Rossi dared to ask.

"Best guess... maybe 36 hours."

Derek's head turned to face Emily, "Fuck."

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