Chapter Ten- An Old Friend

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Sherlock grabbed the gun out of Sally's hand and rushed into the school. He went through each room on the first floor in three minutes, leaving two to find Beth.

"Timothy. Idiot Timothy. Where would he put Beth?" Sherlock paced.

"I'll cover the top and you get the basement?" Donovan suggested. Sherlock nodded and headed for the stairs. He heard talking in the stairwell and smirked. Sherlock had less than two minutes to find Beth before Timothy did something. Sherlock reached the door and crouched to the ground.

"Alright, John, you cover me while I..." Sherlock realized that John wasn't with him and frowned. He then slowly pushed the door open, with his gun in front of him. Sherlock barged into the classroom to see Timothy with a gun pointed at Beth's head.

"So glad you could make it, Sherlock. Beth and I were just talking 'bout ya." Timothy smirked. Sherlock noticed another man in the background and paused. The man pressed his index finger against his lips and swiftly pulled out a gun. Timothy raised an eyebrow and the man shot him in the shoulder, causing Tim to collapse. Sherlock rushed over to Bethany and untied her arms from the chair. She wrapped them around Sherlock's neck and pulled him into a hug. She muttered a thank you into his coat, and Sherlock smiled. He released and nodded towards the man in the background. He walked over to Sherlock and dropped the gun. They smiled at each other and hugged.

"Hello, Sherlock." The man smiled.

"Hello, John. I thought you were on holiday with Mary.." Sherlock smiled back.

"I was. And then I saw Timothy send out an ad for fake- delivery man so I took the job. I wanted to see you, Sherlock. I missed the adventure." John gushed.

"I actually accidentally 'spoke' to you outside of that door. I felt your presence and thought you were with me." Sherlock admitted.

"I clearly missed another thing." John chuckled.

"What?" Sherlock tilted his head.

"Her." John pointed at Bethany and waved. John walked over to Beth and extended his arm.

"John Watson. I'm Sherlock's partner." he smiled. Bethany shook his hand.

"Bethany Greene. Sherlock talks about you a lot. I just started working with him." she smiled. John looked at her and noticed that she had blood on the side of her head.

"I am so sorry about that, Bethany. I had to..." John rushed to the other side of her and examined her wound.

"You're sorry?" Sherlock questioned.

"He kind of hit me with a clipboard and knocked me out." Bethany gave Sherlock a weak smile.

"You hit my girlfri-" Sherlock started, but he stopped when he realized that he was blushing. He called Bethany his girlfriend. He hasn't done it before, and he liked it.

"Sorry mate. I had to make Timothy believe I worked for him." John pulled out some medical equipment he hid under his coat. He cleaned the blood out of Beth's orange hair.

"Wait. You two are together?" John smiled.

"Well.... yeah." Sherlock let out a nervous chuckle.

"When?" John stood up.

"Erm. Three weeks?" Bethany looked at Sherlock to make sure she got the time right. She was sleeping in the hospital half the time. He nodded and walked over to Beth.

"Do you need help up?" Sherlock asked her. She nodded and John tilted his head.

"I was shot twice. Leg and side. I can't really stand up on my own.... or walk..." Bethany explained. She wrapped her arms around Sherlock as he lifted her up.

"Can I try?" She begged. Sherlock hesitantly nodded. He gently placed her on the floor and she took one step. She gave him a weak smiled and mouthed, 'please?' and he released her. Bethany took five steps and smiled. John walked over to Sherlock.

"Sherlock. Since when did you become so..... so..." John searched for the right word to use.

"Human?" Sherlock suggested. John chuckled an nodded.

"Yes. That's the word."

"When I saw her at the door of 221B Baker Street. That's when." Sherlock whispered.

"She lives there?" John's smile grew into a frown. "Is she... in my room?"

"Well... not exactly." Sherlock ran his hands through his hair to cover his red face.

"Sherlock!" John laughed.

"Her stuff is in your room, though. You moved out...." Sherlock frowned.

"I... Mary..... We..." John's eyes began to water.

"Oh no.... John... did you guys...." Sherlock didn't want to say 'split up'.

"We had a fight.... and she revealed that she.....cheated on me...." John hung his head low. he felt Sherlock's arm around him.

"You can move back to Baker Street?" Sherlock suggested. John looked up and smiled.

"But there are only two rooms...." John started. Sherlock blushed and John laughed.

"She can stay in my room." Bethany walked behind them and smiled.

"Is John moving back? I can take my stuff out of your room.." she suggested. John nodded.

"Looks like you're going to have to stay in my room, Beth." Sherlock tried to hide his excitement. Bethany gave him a fake frown.

"Awww mannnnn." She giggled.

"One rule. I don't want to be awakened by you two." John laughed. Bethany and Sherlock joined in.

"So it's settled. John will be moving back to Baker Street." Sherlock smiled.

"Detective Sherlock Holmes and Doctor John Watson, now accompanied by Bethany Greene." John said.

"That has a nice ring to it." Bethany admits. Sherlock and John smile. Bethany places her arms around Sherlock and John. They all walk outside into Sally's car and wait for her.

After three minutes, Donovan arrives and opens the door.

"I see your boyfriend is here, Freak." She laughs.

"He's my friend. I'm taken." Sherlock smiles.

"Really? Who's willing to put up with you?" She sits in the car.

Sherlock pulls Bethany onto his lips and gives her a sweet kiss.

"Holy crap. Sherlock is in a relationship before I am..."

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