Chapter Twelve- Hello, Brother Dear.

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Bethany woke up to Sherlock laying a kiss on her forehead. She gave him a warm smile and gently pressed her lips against his. Her hand combed through Sherlock's slightly damp curls and a quiet 'mmmm' escaped his lips. The door opened, but Sherlock and Beth didn't notice. A tray dropped onto the floor with a loud bang.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean.... I should......" Mrs. He was revealed in the doorway when Beth looked. She smiled and then realized what this looked like. Beth had no sleeves and Sherlock had no shirt. They looked naked.

"Mrs. H, we weren't..... We didn't..... We...." Bethany stuttered.

"We were just kissing, Mrs. H. Sorry to alarm you. But you really should knock." Sherlock tone was rude. Bethany hit his arm lightly. She sat up and helped Mrs. H clean up the mess. Bethany then walked over to retrieve the garbage can, but stopped when she heard Sherlock gasp.

"What?" Bethany questioned.

"You're leg, Beth. You're walking." He smiled.

"Oh. That I am." She shrugged as if it weren't a big deal and handed Mrs. H the can. Sherlock stood up and groaned at the feel of the cold air. He walked over to Bethany, wrapping his long arms around her thin waist and placed a kiss on her neck.

"Good morning, Mrs. H. Goodbye." Sherlock pointed at the door and Mrs. H scoffed as she exited the room. The door slammed shut and Sherlock placed more kisses along Bethany's neck. She let out a silent moan and he smiled into her neck.

"I love you, Sherlock." Beth turned around to face him.

"And I love you." Sherlock placed a kiss on her forehead.

"I have to shower." Bethany headed for the door.

"So do I." Sherlock informed her.

"Take one after me?" she suggested. Sherlock held his head back.

"Or... we could save time." Sherlock quietly suggested. Beth didn't hear him and left the room for her shower. Sherlock groaned and plopped onto the bed, drifting back to sleep.


Bethany stepped out of the warm shower into the cold bathroom. She flinched as her foot touched the tiles. Her towel was laid out on the heater, so she removed it, burning her finger in the process. She stayed quiet, knowing that Sherlock would run to the door. Beth chuckled at the image of Sherlock frantically opening the door only to find Bethany had burnt her finger. Beth dried off herself with the warm towel. She then grabbed her clothes and slipped them on. The door swung open and she walked into the kitchen.

"Sherlock!! I think we have a case! Answer your phone!" Bethany screamed when she heard Sherlock's phone go off. Sherlock didn't reply so much as give a low growl. Beth laughed and started making some coffee. She heard John's door open and got out another glass. John walked down the steps and rubbed his head.

"Mornin' Beth. Where's Sherlock?" John plopped onto his chair and pulled out his laptop.

"He's sleeping I guess. I'm making coffee. Want?" Beth offered. John nodded and she poured her cup. She then heard a loud bang from Sherlock's room and sent John a confused glare. They both shrugged and rushed into Sherlock's room to find him wrapped in blanket on the floor. John and Beth broke into hysterical laughter.

"I got stuck in the blanket. Then I fell. Beeetttthhhhhh. Halp meh." Sherlock begged.

"Sweetie. How.... Okay." Bethany laughed. John fell to his knees with laughter. Sherlock shot him a glare that could kill. John's laughter slowed down as Bethany untangled Sherlock from the blanket. He buried his face in her arm and mumbled 'thank you.'

"John?" Bethany pointed at the door and John growled. He stood up and left the room.

"Sherlock. You're so childish." Bethany teased. Sherlock lifted his head and smiled.

"I am. Aren't I?" He was clearly very proud of himself. The front door opened and they heard John and a man whisper in the kitchen. Someone approached the door.

"Hello, brother dear." The man gave Sherlock a smile and looked at Bethany. "Hello."

"Hi?" Bethany hadn't seen this man before, but he was clearly Sherlock's brother.

"Mycroft. Why are you here?" Sherlock hissed.

"I have a case for you and John." Mycroft handed Sherlock an envelope. "The information is in here. Read it when... you are alone. It is only for your eyes and John's."

"Mycroft. She can see. She works with John and I." Sherlock informed his older brother.


"I'm Bethany Greene." Beth extended her hand. Mycroft shook her hand and left the room.

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