One Year Later ❤️

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I push my long jet black hair behind my ear and into a ponytail . Since me and Nix broke up, I haven't been the same person . I let depression take over me for a good 6 months before getting up and deciding to make shit change for me for the better . At first, I seen Nix everywhere I went but ,every single time she was with a different bitch. I had no idea she was the player type because she was never like that with me . It broke my heart to see somebody I knew so well..change for the worst . But, once I stopped going to local bars and clubs, I stopped seeing her and that made my nights out ten times better each time ! I wouldn't say ima player now , but I definitely have a lot of people that I give my attention to just to feel wanted in some ways . Now, I haven't had sex with ANYBODY since Nix and I'm not bothered by it, I just been feigning some tongue on my area & tonight will be the night I get just that . I pull out my phone and call up my bad bitch Jayceona . It's a weird name I know , it's because well she's a he, well she was a boy named Jayceon but once he transferred to bad bitch side he added an A to the end of his name and became Jayceona.
"Wassup baby love, tryna go to the gay bar tonight?"
"Mmmm, yeah girl, lemme just get up and start on my hair."
"Bitch weren't you supposed to do that lastnight?"
"Yeah bitch but Marquis ass done wore my back out . So I never came around to it."
I suck my teeth and laugh
"Iight baby, I'll see you around 9:30"
We hang up and I smile at myself . I go into my huge closet and try to look for something to wear tonight. After four hours of throwing around clothes, I find the perfect black fitted dress with two white stripes goin along the waist line and some black and gold guissepes with some gold earrings. I turn on the shower and my curling iron, when I hop in the shower I start to fantasize about being touched and rub my hand between my slit. Before I can even start, my phone starts to ring and I groan in frustration . Deciding to ignore it, I wash my body and get out 30 minutes later . When I look at my phone it's two missed calls from one of my old high school friends, Trev. I debate on if I should call him back or not because he used to have a big ass crush on me and I just never gave him the attention . I decide against it and start to curl my hair . One hour later, I'm standing in the mirror putting on my red lipstick and Jayce is calling me . "Wassup bitch, you ready?"
"I sure am, just put my lipstick on. I didn't eat today tho so grab something from chik-fil-a."
"Iigh baby , I'll be there in 20 unlock the door ."
I hang up, go in the kitchen and pour me a glass of wine.

40 Minutes later ..
"Heyyyy bitch, I'm here! I got you mad shit."
"I'm in the kitchen." I yell out before pouring the rest of the wine in my glass.
"Bitch, don't tell me you drunk this whole bottle of wine already."
I laugh and nod , the sound of my phone going off interrupts . I look at the screen and once again it's Trev . I decide to decline again .
"Are you ready to go?" Jayce asks puttin her hand on her hip.
"Duh lets go , with ya extra ass." I take one last look at myself before exiting and locking up. We get in Jayce's Benz and I plug in my aux playing Lyrica-Feenin while singing along cruising through the streets of LA. We make it to the bar about 25 mins later and it is looking lit.
"How do I look? Is my lipstick good?" I ask looking at Jayce .
"Bitch you are bomb as always" I throw my blazer on and we find seats at the bar. A fine light skinned stud catches my eye as Jayce orders our drinks. She catches me staring and I turn back towards the bartender.Putting my straw to my lips, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and it's the stud I was staring at earlier. She looks even better up close, perfect teeth, gorgeous smile, dimples, it was something about her eyes that had me in straight up-"Hellooo, are you going to keep staring at me or you going to let me buy you a drink?" I chuckle with slight embarrassment. "I already have a drink, but you can buy me another one after I finish this one." I smile showing off my pearly whites.

"I'd love to, what's your name?" The mystery stud asks.

"I'm Jewel, what's your name?"

"I'm Dazz (Dej), I caught you staring at me earlier & I couldn't help myself from coming over to talk to you, get to know you." She says staring me in my eyes as she speaks. 

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