Part 2

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I was stunned silent. So, I just followed him in and stayed quiet. The inside of the greeting hall was clean and well decorated, but I was not in the mood to see the artwork. He lead me to the room I would be staying in.

"How long are you going to keep me here, Nalu?" I asked quietly.

"Forever. I am afraid that is just how this works. Any human that can see the beings of the half realm and are the charge of the creature that feels the most connected to the human." He explained.

"So, I can never be anything of importance." I murmured so quietly that I barely heard myself.

Nalu came over to me and put an arm around me. "You will just have to get used to this. Now get some rest you have a long day tomorrow and I will make supper in a little bit."

When he left I laid down on the bed and cried. As I did this, I fell asleep. While I was asleep, I dreamed of a meadow with rabbits frolicking in it. I sat up off the soft grass and followed the rabbits into the tree line. It was dark in there and hard to see but I continued to follow the white rabbits until they disappeared into the underbrush. I looked around feeling lost as I sat down at the base of a tree. Then I woke up to Nalu brushing the hair out of my face.

"Come on, it's time for supper." He said pulling me out of the bed gently.

I followed him silently to the dinning hall and sat in the chair that he pulled out for me. "Thank you, for the food." I said quietly picking up my silverware and ate a little of the soup he made.

"What do you think?" He asked as he ate a spoon full himself.

"It tastes good." I told him still eating but not tasting any of it.

He sighed and finished his food right as the phone rang. He got up and answered it. "Hello, Drakon residents. Ah yes, she is still in shock but luckily it is the weekend so she can calm down for a while. No, I can handle this. I'm sure. Alright, have a good evening." Then he put the phone down and came over to my chair. "That was Mrs. Kessler. She was wondering how you were taking everything." He told me then took my bowl.

"Hey! I wasn't done!" I yelled then felt myself being picked up. I froze and looked up at his face still marveled by his beauty.

"Well, at least the shock has worn off. It is time for you to bathe and go to bed." He said as he put the dishes in the sink and carried me to the large bathroom. "The robes are in the cabinet here and the towels are here." He explained as he pointed at the cabinets under the sink.


Nalu P.O.V.

'This is going to be fun to explain to her. First, Farah calls me to collect a girl who fainted in her office then when I get there I find out she is my Jalka and to top it all off she believed she was going insane this whole time. Farah, why did you not call me as soon as you found out she could see?' I though as I went to my room and grabbed my sketch book. 'She has long red hair and bright blue eyes with skin as pale as the moon.' I thought.

Then I heard my door open and close then a sigh, "What am I going to do?" I hear.

'It's Fray! She walked into my room by accident.' I thought in a bit of a panic.

I walked out of my study and was surprised to see her going through my drawers. She picked up a shirt and slipped it over her head then turned and shrieked "What are you doing in here!?"

"This is my room and I should ask you the same thing." I told her.

She blushed then ran across the hall to her room. 'I will have to get her clothes.' This is going to be difficult but she will grow to accept me.

I turned towards her door and walked over to it then knocked "Fray? Could we talk?" I asked. From behind the door I heard "Sure, come in."

I opened the door and sat on the trunk at the foot of her bed. "I wanted say that... there are some simple rules we need to go over and I hope you will start to think of this as your home." I told her gently.

"What are the rules?" She asked sitting down in front of me.


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