Part 3

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"First, you should talk to me if you have any questions or concerns about my world. Second, do not go to the west wing it is falling apart and is very dangerous. Lastly, if anyone visits you have to listen to everything that I say. Do you understand?" I said hoping, praying she would accept the rules I explained to her.

"I will try my best." She replied in a tone that betrayed nothing.

"Alright, I will leave you to rest tonight." I said standing up and walking to the door. "Goodnight." I told her before closing the door and walking to my room.


Fray P.O.V.

I watched Nalu retreat to his room before flopping on the bed in the room he provided. 'What am I doing? I should be running away trying to stay with my family.' I thought rolling onto my side pressing my nose into the bed. It gave a lilac scent that was pleasant and relaxing. I curled into a ball and started crying, I cried so long that I fell asleep right afterwards.

When I woke I found Nalu asleep in front of my face as he sat on the floor, head resting on his arms fingers brushing my hair lazily in his sleep. I moved away from him and walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. When I came out I saw a little bunny like creature. Not sure what to do I stepped around it and went to my room.

It followed me as I walked over to Nalu and shook his shoulder but he then turned towards me and grabbed onto me knocking me over onto the floor. I tried to push him off but he was too heavy, "Nalu!" I yelled into his ear which made him jump.

"What?" He asked me still not realizing that he was on top of me.

"First, could you please get off of me. Second, who is the bunny?" I said trying to breath.

He quickly sat up and turned to the rabbit. "What are you doing here, fluff ball?" He growled.

It hopped up onto the bed the replied, "I heard you had a human and wanted to see if the rumor was true. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Mason Cedar. A pleasure to meet you." He grabbed my hand and kissed it.

I looked at Nalu still confused then said to Mason, "Thank you."

Nalu grabbed me by the waist and pulled me away from the rabbit. "You have seen her. Now, what is the real reason for your presence?"

Mason sighed "Your no fun. Lucky is out to get your human and won't listen to reason."

Nalu pulled me closer to him. "He is not going to get Fray." He growled.

"May I ask a question?" I asked Nalu. He nodded "Why is this guy after me?"

Nalu and Mason looked at each other than back at me, "It is out of loneliness. We do not interact with each other unless it is absolutely necessary." Mason told me then in a poof of smoke changed into a human with light grey hair and green eyes. "Now, who knows when breakfast is going to be ready?"

"Of course you want food." Nalu grumbled then my stomach growled. He looked down at me and chuckled "Alright, I am afraid I can't have you starving." Then he stood up and we all went to the dinning hall. An elegant spread of food was already sitting on the table. We all dug in when we sat down.

"Looks like your human has a big appetite. She will need one we are going." A voice said in the hall.

"Lucky! Get out before I kill you!" Nalu yelled as he grabbed me and pulled me behind his back.

"Oh, but I want to see what she can do." Lucky said in a fake pout.

"Mason take Fray somewhere safe and I'll find you once I am done with Lucky." Nalu said as he changed into his dragon form and stalked to the hall.

I tried to follow him but Mason pulled me back then tapped his foot on the floor and we fell down a rabbit hole. I was so stunned I didn't scream. Then when it spit us out we were in a room that reminded me of Bilbao Baggins home from the hobbit,

Mason Lead me to a closet and hide me in there "Don't come out until you hear Nalu or I come get you, alright?" He instructed.

"Okay." I agreed then he shut the door leaving me in pitch black. I waited for what seemed hours before I heard Nalu talking to Mason. I ran out of the closet feeling claustrophobic from being in there for so long.

They stared at me then Mason realized he forgot he put me in there. Nalu came over to me and whispered "He left you in there, didn't he?" I nodded in answer.

He growled then started to shimmer as he got angrier and angrier. I put my hand on his shoulder.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2019 ⏰

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