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Shayann POV

It feels like an eternity in this dump; I just wanna eacape at least to get ten minutes of fresh air. Maybe mother was right, I ended in this mess because of my bad luck. But why did my bad luck get me stuck with these weirdos- oh correction mutants as they call themselves. All these mutants do is train, eat pizza, and talk about plans on saving their city; yet they're still sitting on their bums doing nothing for the past troublesome excruciating week. All they do is bark like dogs with no teeth to bite.

Not me, I'll bite the hell out of the enemy with my own strength. And today was the day I'll finally prove it.

" Hey Shy, pizzas ready! Get it before it gets stolen" The orange eyed teen known as Angela shouted at the doorway

I nodded not having enough energy to snap at her hyper attitude. My orbs scanned the new small room once again this hour. It's better than my old room I have to admit.

Better than the blank walls that made my old room have the sense of emptiness and boredom.

Unintentionally, the names and characteristics of everyone in the abandon train station were stuck in my head. From the turtles, the oldest was somewhat not surprising; Leonardo, who was also the blue leader. Then pepper face was the second oldest who had terrible anger issues towards anybody and thing that had a vowel in their name. The tallest was the purple one named Donnie that was the geek in this circus and that had a huge noticeable crush on April. Mikey was the youngest and most annoying out of them all with his overhyper self.

His girlfriend; Angela, was on equal lengths of annoying with him. Apparently, she mutated about a year or two ago and can now mutate into a tiger at will. April was my brothers crush as well and she had mystical powers that no one can understand. I saw her through school a couple times as I keep myself away from the teens in the building. Ember just came to the city a half year ago and is dating the leader of the turtles.

So far, I realized that the rodent that almost killed me is the most reasonable one here.

I can't believe these things been hiding under the humans noses for this long and that they're the ones discovering and destroying the monsters that would pop up around here.

My abdomen was screeching at me now to feed it or it would nibble at my insides-too late. I couldn't eat what they were eating anymore; at first yes, but now they're wanting me to be around them more and start talking to them about who knows what. Training with them was enough for me and I position myself down into my room just deciding on the right moment to finally leave.

I'm not dumb to go out there blindly while there's still kraang droids flying everywhere.

Ignoring the desperate growl from my hungry stomach, zipping past everyone's room as before listening to the few that snore loudly enough to cover my noise as I go over to the brick stairs that held my freedom on the other side.

I cranned my head over my shoulder to see if mr. Pepper face would try to stop me again. With nothing behind me, I took my steps carefully on the dusty and creaking stairs and head left since nothing ever goes right on my behalf. Luckily the turtle geek thought it was a good idea to place microscopic signs into the wall so only we could understand. My hand had to stay on the wall in order it to work, if I touched a rigid stone every ten steps that felt like a turtle then I was on the right track. The tunnels had barely any light except for the old ones that kept flickering rapidly, but better than nothing.

Five more minutes after taking a wrong turn of walking, I could hear the droids zooming above me. The street lights blew through the holes of the man covers and unto the murky water below my boots.

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