Percy Jackson and the seatbelts

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I was Percy Jackson, the world was taken over by alien seat belts from the planet Car. Anabeth, Grover and I had figured out that the reason that they were invading was because they wanted to be the coolest in the universe and we were COOLER. 

We had created a music track that would made the seat belts spaz out, as we traveled to ur secret hide out, we decided to test it, we played the music ad everyone in the bus started twerking so hard that there buts fell off, " They must all be possessed by the seat belts" said Anabeth as we ran out of the bus before it exploded. 

as we walked into our hideout, we found my three year old sister dead on the floor, I bega to cry and got really upset because MY SISTER FREAKING DIED! but then grover handed me a three month old baby and said it was my sister but now I was her mum, I began to argue because I was Percy Jackson and I was  a guy to I could not be the Mum. 

A 5 year old princess burst into the hideout, sitting on a trumpet and telling me ( screaming it as loud as she can) that she wanted to help us destroy all the alien seat belts. 

Because she was so damn loud the seat belts found us and trapped us all, I being so resourceful told a dog alien seat belt that if he freed us I would feed him a cat. The dog got very exited and licked all the other sea belts to death and the alien invasion was stopped. although all the cats on each disappeared so to keep the dog happy we made him king of the world and he ate Steve Irwin instead.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So thats my first entry, yes this was an actual dream I've had. So what do you guys think it means? I thinkit means I have a over imaginative brain. 

So who here is a Percy Jackson fan? I loved the book... but the movie kinda sucked. 

A Dream JournalTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon