
19 1 0

My mum had died and via unknown reasons and I was obvously really deppressed and crying in my sleep because you know my mum dying is kinda sad.

Later in the dream I was at the funeral doing funeral stuff, but this funeral was very different then a normal funeral. Every Single  Thing was Green, The building was green, everyones clothes were green, the coffin was green.( Green in my mums favourut color by the way) We then all danced around listning to greenday and ACDC which was fun but everone was a crappy dancer so we looked like we we're all having one large epileptic fit.

At the end of the service my mums ashes  were put into a cannon mixed with green glitter then was shot all over everyone. needless to say everyone was shocked but the realised that the funeral place ( for lack of better words) was next to the beach and so we all went swimming. 

What a amazing funeral I think I'm really going to do this when my mum  goes ( 500 years).

UPDATE: My mum said no.

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