Past awakening

881 14 17

I froze at the sudden contact and especially the question I sure as hell knew who it was

I pushed myself away from his grip turning around glaring at him

"What the hell do you mean? You know EXACTLY why you deserve this!"   "Tsk whatever this is a waste of my time" I turned around to leave until a strong grip holded my wrist back

"Please... can we atleast be friends?" That damn line that same damn question he asked you years ago the reason you grow so much haterd for this boy


Both Iida and I were in the 7th grade when this happened especially on Valentine's Day

"MOMMMMM HAVE U SEEN THE CHOCOLATES I MADE LAST NIGHT?!!" I yelled searching through every cabinet in the mansions kitchen

"You mean these?" She smiled holding up a pink white box wrapped in a blue ribbon full of Iidas favorite chocolates inside

"NSJSJSSIW THANK YOUU!!" I jumped towards her grabbing the box kissing it I spent till 1am on these little shits he better eat them...

"Oh ho ho~ are those for Iida?" My mom said nudging me causing me to blush

"BYE MOM!!" I ran out the door sitting inside the limo and sighed in relief


I finally got to school from my window I saw girls excitedly yelling to give Thier chocolates to the boys they like

My limo parked in front of the school entrance receiving stares from everyone I slowly got out of the limo grabbing my bag and walking inside the school

"There's that rich girl.."

"I wish I was that pretty"

"Some people say she's a bitch"

"Of course she's rich"

"Hahaha a rich bitch what's new she thinks she's better then everyone"

"Why does Iida even hang out with a girl like her, her only friend is Gouka and she's so irrelevant"

I glared at them causing them to flinch and bow down

"Don't bother saying sorry oh and I'm not better then everyone else I'm just better then you basic hoes.." I smirked walking pass them receiving ooo's from everyone who heard

I clung onto my books trying to fight the tears of those girls until you bumped into a blonde boy

"OI WATCH WHERE YOURE GOING!" He yelled at me glaring deeply into my eyes

"Oh I'm sorry.." I looked down for the first time I seemed vulnerable

"The hell aren't u supposed to be that rich girl?" I felt his eyes soften a bit but his voice still sounded stern

"I-" I was stopped when I saw a certain navy blue haired boy walking towards our classroom

I ran off waving to the blonde

"HEY GET THE FUCK BACK HERE YOU DIDNT EVEN AWNSER MY QUESTION!" He yelled across the hall he turned around and you swore you could hear him say

"Tsk she is pretty hot.."

I reached my classroom panting and putting my hands on knees I slowly started to open the door when I heard 2 people talking I recognized one of them

"Um.. here!" I saw one of my classmates had him a box of chocolates

I clinched my box tightly trying to hear more

"Thank you" I saw him blush taking the box of chocolates he was about to open the box but he thought of something and closed it immediately "but I can't accept this.."

"What why not?" I heard a pitch of anger in her voice

"Oh I know it's because of that dumb bitch megami right?"

"She isn't dumb.." he replied

She started to closely walk towards him

"I've seen you look at me in class iida~" she pinned him down onto the desk I wanted to move I wanted to stop this but deep inside I knew iida liked her..

Just not a second later she shared a kiss iida wrapped his arms around her waist

"Now you don't have to pretend to like her anymore.." she smiled kissing him one last time

"You're right.."

I burst open the door receiving surprised looks from both of them I was in full tears face a red boiling color and not because I was blushing I was pissed

"I NEVER WANTED TO BE YOUR FRIEND ANYWAY YOURE A STUPID NERD WHO CANT EVEN GET ACTUAL FRIENDS YOU THINK SHE ACTUALLY LIKES YOU DONT MAKE ME LAUGH I WISH. I NEVER MET YOU!" I slammed the door Running off I heard iida yell my name telling me he could explain but I just kept running hot steaming tears flowing down my cheeks

I ran up to the roof and slid Down the wall clutching my knees together I didn't even notice a certain blonde was up there too

I heard a thud next to me indicating someone has sat down I looked up to see the blonde looking away and handing me a tissue

"So the cold rich girl is crying?" I quickly broke down to bigger sobs from hearing these words causing him to panic

"HEY IM SORRY CHILL!" He grabbed my body making me look up again slowly wiping my tears

"S-so why are you up here?" I asked him

"I can't handle this dumbass day girls giving chocolates to guys it's shitty." I heard him click his tongue in annoyance

Sniff "is it because no one gives you something?"

"WHAT THE FUCK NO I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THAT!" He yelled at you causing you to giggle

"It's ok I think this day is pretty shitty too" I sighed leaning against my hands I took a glance next to me and saw the box of chocolates I made for iida I picked it up and handed it to Bakuago

"Here since you never get anything!" I said smiling

"THE HELL WHO SAID I WANTED ANYTHING ANYWAY!" He yelled at me causing me to giggle more I open the box and stuffed a chocolate in his mouth

"MPFH?! WHAT THE HELL!!" He continued to rant while I sat Thier quiet

"Are they good?" I looked directly at him causing a pink dusk appear on his cheeks

"Tsk Thier ok.. weren't you supposed to give it to someone else?" He asked me I looked down clunching my skirt

"Yes.. but he's a piece of shit anyway. I was about to go give it to him until I saw him kiss the girl he liked and she told him that he didn't have to fake to be my friend anymore and he agreed." I started to feel the tears flow again "why does everyone hate me?"

I felt two big broud arms hug me causing me to cry more into his chest

"Who gives a fuck who likes you or not Thier irrelevant assholes all that matters is that you make it to the top"

End of flashback

"Tsk don't make me laugh why so you can be a fake ass hoe to me no thanks.." iida was about to say something until the familiar blonde stepped in

"She said she doesn't want shit from you so get the fuck away" he grabbed me and dragged me away

We started to walk together I decided not to call the limo I haven't seen my angry hedgehog in a while after all

"I did what you told me to do when we were kids.." I said stopping and look directly at him

"And what's that?" He stopped and looked back at me

"I made it to the top."

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