Secret Family

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I charged at the villian but right before I knew it a dark purple portal appeared before me I was sucked into it

''MEGAMI!!'' I heard everyone yell before I was sucked inside

I landed on a cold hard floor with a hard thud I groaned from the impact I slowly sat up rubbing my head until I was thrown against the wall being pinned with knives I flinched but I didn't scream from the pain

The people before me stared directly at me and I stared back using my quirk on each and every one of them sadly I didn't have to I've seen these bastards in my last performance expect for one?

''It seems me meet again Megami reaper...'' I glared at spinner

damn bootleg ninja turtle..

But something caused confusion in my head

reaper why did he call me reaper?

''It seems you've caused her some confusion spinner.'' A middle aged man approached me

Dabi was his name hm he's quite good looking if it wasn't for his scars I tilted my head a bit staring in front of me a hollographic screen appeared that only I could see

Quirk: Cremation ''This Quirk grants Dabi the ability to generate blue flames from his body. He can spawn these flames at will from any area on his body with minimal effort or movement, almost instantaneously.''

I felt his finger slowly lift my chin I used my quirk using a black misty vine to wrap around his arm picking him up and sending him against the bar wall my eyes shined a bright red

''I don't have time for this bullshit'' I was about to telport out until I felt a cold hard hand on my neck but not all his fingers were on it

Tomura Shigarki: ''Decay allows Tomura to destroy anything his hands touch, making it crumble to dust.

Whether the target is organic or not, Decay will work without fail. As such, this Quirk is extremely lethal against living beings, having their flesh rot away if hit by it.''

Shit even if I did manage to escape he would immediately use his quirk and I wouldn't be able to regenerate that quick..

I let my guard down and stayed put I had no other choice

''Good girl..'' Tomura said smirking I glanced at Dabi who was slowly getting up smirking also

''What the fuck do you low lives want?'' I asked coldly

''Join us!'' Toga said excitedly about to grab my hands but I quickly whisked them away

''In your dreams.''

''I don't think you have a choice Megami.'' Tomura spoke and at the right time my mother was thrown in front of my face all bruised up and totured her dress was ripped everywhere

''MOM!'' I screamed anger boiled in my body I activated my quirk sending Tomura aganist the wall sending knives into his smoatch area and legs before he could touch me I summoned my sycthe holding it in front of me I stood in front of my mother in a defensive stance

''I'll be leaving and if u EVER contact me or touch anyone I love I swear to god I will kill every single one of you.''

''DONT LET HER ESCAPE YOU BASTARDS!'' Tomura yelled right there Toga send a syringe right towards me but My mother blocked it

my eyes widened as I caught my mother in my arms

''G-get out of here now!'' She yelled using her last strength to telport me somewhere safe meaning where all my friends were gathered

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