Chapter 1

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Welcome to the first chapter of Andy and the CEO !!!! (Title is a work in progress)

Thanks for taking the time to read this (unedited, extremely rough) story!

I am extremely passionate about the story I'm planning to tell so hopefully you will have some updates soon!

If you enjoy what you read, please vote, comment and share with your friends!  You don't know how much that can motivate someone to write!




"Okay guys! Ten more minutes and then we really need to go home." Andy says breathlessly, her body folded over, hands resting on her knees.

"But Andy!" exclaims the 10-year-old twins, Aisha and Malik. Their 16-year-old brother, Jordan only looks at her with a smug smile on his face.

"Getting old, aren't you, Miss B!" he jokes.

"Oh, you'll pay for that one mister!" comes Andy's mockingly-offended cry. Like lightning she dribbles the black and white ball past him and with a tremendous amount of flair, kicks the ball into the net.

"Hell! I should have seen that one coming!" Jordan mumbles.

The group of four continue playing for a few more minutes, then make their way back to the hall.

"Go get your stuff, while I turn off all the lights and lock the doors." Andy says, and a sudden sadness fills her heart as her eyes follow them. These kids are like the little brothers and sisters she never had. The thought of having to part ways with them and all the other kids in this neighbourhood is literally breaking her heart. This centre has been the only constant in some of their lives, the only thing that's kept them alive! Her sadness changes to anger as she thinks about the committee's decision to close Haven. She tried everything to persuade them. She even begged and anyone who knows Andy Borelli knows that she NEVER begs. When begging didn't work, she tried to get sponsors, but no one in the city wanted to donate money to the "rotten part of this beautiful fruit that is Chicago", as one of them said. That's when she decided to apply for a loan at the bank, a loan which the bank is still considering after two weeks of waiting.

The children come back with their school backpacks and she helps the twins to load theirs into the small boot of her hatchback car. Their mom, Yolanda, is a single mother and nurse who's shift won't end until nine, so Andy will be taking them home. When they walk up the stairs of the redbrick apartment complex and open up the door to the small, two bedroom apartment, it feels as if her heavy heart lifts a bit. This place is like a second home to Andy and although it's small and simple, the memories it contains is anything but.

"So, what do you guys want to eat? I can cook you some pasta if you'd like?" Andy asks and starts to take of the apron from the hook behind the kitchen door.

"Yeah, if we want to die! You're like the only Italian chick I know, who can't cook pasta- or anything for that matter!" Jordan says, taking the apron from Andy's hands and firmly hangs it back on the hook.

"I'll take care of food, don't worry. You can honestly go home. Mama will be here soon anyway."

"You know very well I won't leave until Yolanda gets back and besides, you've got an algebra exam to study for. I'll get take out then. Burger's sound good?"

Aisha and Malik nod enthusiastically. Half an hour later, the food arrives and they eat in front of the TV- something Yolanda doesn't allow, but when the cat's away...

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