Chapter 3

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Andy doesn't see Alex for most of the week that follows and she's thankful for that. For a while she can pretend that her life is the way it was before Haven's financial problems and before she got engaged to Alex. That is, until Joe- who's naturally her "Person of honour"- and self designated wedding planner, decides that its time to start making preparations for the "wedding of the millennium" as he calls it.

"I really dislike the idea of a big wedding."

"Honey, you're complaining about something that most girls would just dream about. I mean: You're fiancé literally gave you a black Amex credit card and told you to make sure you have the wedding of your dreams! How lucky is that?! Just enjoy this whole experience!"

"I know.... It's just that the wedding of my dreams isn't a big wedding... But I guess I'll have the small, intimate ceremony when I have my real wedding one day."

"That's the spirit! Now, what were you thinking for a venue? We'll most likely have to bribe someone to get a decent venue in a month's time. Most places are booked at least a year in advance!"

It's Friday afternoon, and Andy's just locking Haven's doors, when she gets a call from Joe saying that a spot has opened up at the Botanical Gardens. "It's perfect!" Joe squeals in excitement. "It's outdoors, it's whimsical, it's everything you want! Let's go have a look?"

They've hardly been at the gardens for five minutes when Andy says: "Okay. You've sold me on this. I'm in love with the idea of having a wedding in this place."

"Me too." A deep, irritatingly familiar voice says behind her. Andy turns around to see Alex, with Kevin standing just a few paces behind him.

"What are you doing here? Did you really invite him here, Joe?"

"I only invited Kevin, Andy!" Joe says throwing his hands up in defence.

"Well, darling, it's not just your wedding, you know? I think I should at least have the right to be acknowledge in the decision of a venue." He says, his dark blue eyes twinkling with sadistic pleasure.

"The last time we spoke, you said you wanted nothing to do with the arrangements and that I could make decisions as I see fit. I thought you prided yourself on your word." Andy says, clearly agitated about her fiancé's sudden "interest" in the arrangements.

"Well, the last time we spoke, you promised to tell no one about our little arrangement, but you didn't keep to your word either, did you? So we're quits."

"You're doing this just to irritate me, aren't you?"

"Well, payback's a bitch and this is the perfect way for the paparazzi to find out about our engagement, so someone gave them an anonymous tip that we'd be here. So wipe that frown off your forehead and smile at me nicely..." he commands. "Now, wouldn't it be nice to have a romantic stroll with your husband to be? Leave the best man and person of honour to discuss some wedding details." He says, gallantly offering Andy his arm.

"You know what would be nice?" Andy smiles up at him sweetly and places her hand on his arm. "If I could drown you in that duckpond." Alex's laugh rumbles in her ears and if Andy didn't know that it was all for show, it might have been one of the most pleasant sounds she'd ever heard.

"I made a booking for you, Yolanda and Aisha at the spa, like I promised and I added Joe to the booking as well, since I invited Kevin to come along for the fishing trip. Growing up we used to love going fishing at the lake."

"I didn't know you and Kevin grew up together." Andy says surprised.

"You and Kevin have been friends for two years and you didn't know that?" he says raising one eyebrow questioningly.

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