Chapter 4

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"Thank God for facials! I feel like a new person. My skin's absolutely glowing!" Joe exclaims as he examines himself in the enormous bathroom mirror, pouting at his reflection.

"And deep tissue massages!" Yolanda adds. "My back feels brand new."

"I liked the one where the fishes tickled my feet!" Aisha laughs and crinkles her nose at the memory.

"How about you, Andy? Did that aroma therapy massage work to calm you down?" Yolanda asks sympathetically.

"Yes it did actually. I honestly don't care anymore. So what if people know I an orphan and foster kid. That's nothing to be ashamed of. And I can't blame them for insinuating that I'm marrying him for his money. I mean they would be...."

"Absolutely wrong!" Joe interrupts and raises his eyebrows at Andy, giving her a warning look.

Nice save Joe. I almost blew it. Andy thinks. I ought to be more careful with what I say.

"Right! I mean, that would be preposterous. But I can understand how it might seem that way."

"Don't you worry about what other people think Andy-baby. Anybody who knows you can see you're smitten with that boy- and him with you!" Yolanda assures her.

Oh, Yolanda! If you just know how wrong you are! Andy hates lying to her, but she has to admit that she finds the whole situation quite amusing.

"Okay so Alex's driver, Martin, is picking us up in about ten minutes. I think we should start heading in his direction." Andy instructs.

Just as the car pulls up, Yolanda's phone rings. "Hey mom. Are you home yet? We have a bit of a situation and we need your help." Jordan says nervously.

"What the hell did you do?" she asks sternly.

"I didn't do anything, I swear. It's Alex. He has a fishhook through his hand at the moment and he doesn't want to go to the ER. I think he's afraid of doctors or something."

"I'm not afraid of doctors. I could pull the damn thing out myself if the person in charge of packing didn't forget to bring pliers. I mean who the hell forgets pliers when they go fishing, Kevin?" Even though the phone isn't on loud speaker, Andy can hear Alex's annoyed voice shouting on the other end.

"Martin just stopped to pick us up, so we'll be at home in about ten minutes. Where are you now?"

"We're on our way to the house too. See you there."

When they arrive home, the guys are already there. Andy is shocked when she sees Alex. His golden skin is ghostly pale and he has small drops of perspiration on his forehead. His hand is covered with a bloody bandage.

"Come sit your big ass down before we have to pick you up of the floor." Yolanda instructs, sternly pushing Alex down on a chair in the kitchen. "Men, always acting so tough until they see a few drops of blood." She mumbles to herself. "I don't even want to know how you got that thing pushed completely through the side of your hand like that."

"Andy, I think you should hold his hand to help him feel better. When I am scared mama holds my hand and I always feel better." Aisha says matter-of-factly. Andy hesitates, but then she sees that Alex is already holding out his big hand and her heart crumbles. The poor thing looks like a frightened dear caught in the headlights. She takes his big hand in both of hers. "It's going to be okay." She smiles reassuringly and brushes a damp curl from his forehead. "Are you sure you don't rather want to go to the ER? They can give you a local anaesthetic to help with the pain."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2018 ⏰

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