Chapter 2

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Hi guys!   Thanks for taking time to read my story.

To all Italian speakers who are possibly reading this:  I would like to apologise for any errors in advance.  I am literally using Google Translate for the Italian parts...  If you pick up any errors, I would really appreciate it if you correct me.  

Hope you enjoy this chapter.

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I still don't see why it's necessary to get a ring..."

"Because a millionaire like me would never NOT buy his fiancé an engagement ring. He'd give her the biggest and best that money can buy and it's all about appearances, darling."

Andy finds his arrogance annoying and wants to argue, but when she enters the high class jewellery shop, it feels as if she's transported to another world. She's never seen so many diamonds and gems in one place. Dumbstruck, she stands frozen in place, just inside the door.

"The engagement rings are this way, honey..." Alex says sweetly and steers her in the right direction.

The spectacled jeweller with salt and pepper hair gives them a friendly smile. "Signore Michaelson! Always a pleasure to see you. How can we be of service today?"

Andy isn't surprised to discover that Alex apparently visits the store frequently. He's got a lot of women in his life to keep happy...

"The pleasure is mine, Giacomo! I'd like to introduce you to my beautiful fiancé, Andrea Borelli. We're here to pick out an engagement ring." If Giacomo is mildly shocked to hear that Alex is engaged, he hides it excellently.

"Ah! A girl from la patria! Ciao bella signorina! Come stai oggi?" Giacomo rambles, excited to speak his mother tongue to a client.

"Sto andando bene.... But I'm afraid my Italian isn't that good. I uhm... never had the chance to properly learn it. My parents passed away when I was really young, so that part of me got lost with them..."

"Mi dispiace. I'm sorry, signorina Andrea for bringing up such a sad memory. Now, let's focus on the joy in life and find you the ring your heart desires. We keep the best ones at the back."

Giacomo returns with about ten rings a while later. They are all equally beautiful with diamonds in almost every imaginable colour.

"Well, which one do you think?" Alex asks a while later.

"Don't get me wrong. They're all befitting of a queen, but I was thinking maybe this one?" hesitantly Andy points to one of the rings for "regular" customers, still behind the glass.

"This one? Are you sure? It's beautiful and all, but not exactly a show stopper."

"My mum had something similar and honestly, I like it a lot better than the others. It isn't over the top. It feels more like me. Plain and simple, you know."

"Si, I see wat the signorina means. It's a classical beauty, just like you, signorina Andrea. Here, try it on and let me see." Alex takes Andy's hand and places the ring on her finger. For a moment it seems as if her heart stops. Then it gets awkward and Alex lets go of her hand.

"Ah yes! It was made to be worn by you! And it's a perfect fit!" Giacomo nods enthusiastically.

"I agree. It looks beautiful, sweetheart." Alex's eyes glisten with amusement at her annoyance with the endearment. "If the lady is one hundred percent sure, we'll take this one, Giacommo."

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