Chapter 2- The dream

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'kill him, kill the man, hes evil, kill him'

"Kill who? What?" You yell into the white mist that is surrounding you. This has been going on for what seems like an hour to you. You don't know how you got here, but here you are, getting a request to kill someone from the environment.

'kill him, the man, the evil man, kill him,' It repeats again. You scream in frustration.

"WHO! WHO DO YOU WANT ME TO KILL?" You scream for the 10th time.

'THE MAN! KILL THE MAN!' The mist screeches and you cover your hurting ears. Then, you force open your eyes. The bright torches temporarily blinds you. You see a man sitting close to you.

"AH!" You scream and try to get away, but hes holding your arm.

"Woah! Relax (Y/N)! Its just me!" Steve yells as he tries to calm you down. You do start to relax as you realize what's going on. The memories from yesterday flood your mind, giving you a major headache. You hold your head with your unheld arm and Steve looks worriedly at you.

"Just a headache. Hey what are you doing?" Steve is still holding your arm, which is now bandaged.

"You were poisoned." He explains. 'Oh yeah. I forgot about getting bit by that spider' You sigh. "Why were you screaming in your sleep?" He asks suddenly.

"I...don't remember," You lie. It would probably be best not to tell a man you just met that you had a dream about killing people. He nods and gets up, finally letting go of your arm. You sit up and try to stand, but as the blood flows into your legs, you fall back down. You notice that there is no weight on your back. "HEY! WHERES MY BACKPACK," You yell, alarmed.

"Right here," Steve says calmly as he picks up the ruined inventory. The burn marks are more noticeable. You see Steve is doing something with it and Steve notices you looking. "I'm fixing it up. I don't know about you, but this is pretty worn out." You blush a bit from embarrassment and nod.


"No problem," He replies.

"so.. um… I should probably leave today." You say. He stops moving and looks at you.

"Really?" He asks sadly and you nod.

"I really have something I need to do," You lie. 'Jeesh. How much am I going to lie to this man.' Steve nods and hands you the repaired backpack.

"Your stuff is in the chest by the door," He goes over to his own chests.

"Hey! If you want, you can mark your house on my map," You recommend. He smiles. You pull out your map from the chest and hand it to him. He makes a circle on it. He hands it back to you and you smile at him.

"Thanks," You say as you put on your hood and backpack.

"No problem!" You start to walk out the door when Steve grabs your shoulder. "You should probably take this." He puts the iron sword from last night into your hand. Then, he pulls you into a tight hug. "Don't forget me," He whispers and then he lets go of you. "Well, bye!" He says cheerfully as you start to walk out into the cave, smiling. You wave bye at him and start to head up the ravine.

Now that you have food in your belly and can think properly, you take the dirt stack out of your backpack and use it to make stairs. Before you head out to the field, you peek to make sure there are no golems. When you know the coast is clear, you jump to the top and pull yourself up. You break into a sprint towards the woods and are nearly exploded by a creeper on the way there. When you do reach the forest, you pull out the sword and start to leave the village, and Steve, behind.

-time skip-

The sun starts to go down and you are still wandering in the forest. You pull out your map, but somethings wrong. The usual colored terrain is uncolored and glitching. Freaking out, you shove the map in your pocket and continue on. Soon, the blue sky is black and dotted with stars. There aren't as many mobs here as there were at the village, which surprises you considering you are in the middle of a field. Then, you spot something big in the distance. Its a giant castle made of obsidian and uncut stone. Its surrounded by lava and has a bridge that leads to the entrance. Cautiously, you go much closer to it. "Wonder what kind of treasures are in there," You whisper under your breath as you look at the abandoned castle.

A couple of mobs are moving along the border of lava, but it doesn't look like any trouble to you. Right now, you are focused on what loot you can gain from raiding this place. Checking to make sure you have weapons and room to store stuff, you start to move towards the large building. Managing to sneak past the mobs outside, you slip through the large front doors and into the dark hallway. The walls are lined with redstone torches, which are barely producing any light. That works in your favor.

You stay as close to the wall as you can as you make your way down to the next set of doors. Its creepy, but you pull your hood over your head to keep focused. You put your hand in your bag and move your bow to the top. When you gently open the doors, you put your head in and see that a creeper and zombie are sitting by the fire.

"I don't know. You think hes coming back?" The zombie is… speaking? You gasp, but quickly muffle it to stay hidden.

"Yessss. He will be back," The creeper assures the zombie. They are talking, you can't process this. Your whole life, all mobs have said are gurgles and hisses. But here they are having a full blown conversation. You slowly move into the room and notice some chests a bit farther away. You sneak towards them, keeping eyes on the mobs. You reach your hand into the box and pull out 4 bars of iron, gold, and and a loaf of bread. Pocketing them, you try to get to the next door. Its by the fireplace. You pull out your bow and aim it at the creeper. Letting the arrow go, it hits the creeper just right and it explodes, killing the zombie.

"What was that?" You hear a female's voice from the door. Diving into the shadows, you try to hide as much as you can. The door opens and a cave spider crawls in. 'Oh great', You think, 'I've had enough of these' You carefully sneak behind it and rush down the hallway. Then, you fall to the floor. You ran into something. A… golem? At least you think it is. Instead of iron blocks, there are nether bricks. Veins-like lines go all over its body, but they are filled with lava. A wither skeleton head replace the regular golem head. He picks you up by your shoulders and you conceal a scream as it emits a ghast screech. It starts to walk to another door. When he opens it, you realize hes taking you to a large room. Scared out of your mind, you struggle and manage to escape from his grasp. You sprint down the hallway you came from and quickly enter one of the rooms. Its filled with chests, but you focus more on hiding yourself.

You hide between two of the farthest chests, hoping its enough to hide from the golem. The door opens and in walks a creeper. 'Great' The creeper starts to expand.

"Thisss isss for killing me earlier!" It yells before exploding. The chests protecting you disappear and you hit your head hard against the wall, knocking you out.

'kill him'
Word count: 1347

Herobrine X Reader. (COMPLETED)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu