Back to the castle

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"uhh yeah im here" you say waving your hand as Lava picks you up and flys you up the hole in the ceiling and into the castle attic

"I wonder how this stayed hidden for so many years to come!  this was a prison meant to hold prisionors im sorry herobrine made you embarresed..and you hiding from herobrine was smart and not thinking smart too!....." she paused looking up into glaring eyes as you look up following her gaze you see herobrine standing there. Him being so mad you notice he has white little ears and a white tail.

"Dang you erin!" he yells in frustrations touching his ears. You manage to escape  Lava's grip as you drop you dash out of there letting yout thoughts run wild. Then it hits thought Is error dead he probally is mad knowing I ran into Error. You turn a corner running into a wall but....There is no walls you look up fearfuly into herobrines eyes.

"uhhhh nice weather isint it" you say glaring at him in the mean time. He looks at you and starts to laugh. He leans down and goes to kiss you but you put a creep-eta infront of you and he kisses her and creepeta widing her eyes as she dashes off.

"Y/N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he growls glaring at you as he runs after you and you run away shreking 

"NUUU IM SOORYIIEEE" you yells despartly trying to escape as you reach the castel doors you feel fangs sink into your neck

"GOtcha" he wispers intp your ear as you try to get out of his grip

'IDIIIIIOOOOOOOTTTTT I DONT WANT BIITTESS"  you scream alerting everyone and you watch as creepeta hold Ice cold water over Herobrines head and she dumps it laughing

:This...Is payback bish!" she laughs into herobrines ear runnign to and enderman guy and he hugs her glaring at herobrine. 

'must be her boyfreind' you think as you watch them kiss *;p* belh 

** sorry its rlly shot 300 + 300  next maybe??***

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