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Waking up was absolute shit. Remembering my beating last night. Sitting up I groaned hurting myself more than I already was. My back and rib cage was covered in scars and bruises from the annual torment I endured.
It worsened each year on my birthday and stayed that way until my next. It was as if I was a monster from hell they were trying to punish for everything they endured. Trying to subdue the beast entirely for all eternity.
You can't!

1) Someday the beast will snap and you better be prepared. Because if you aren't your going to regret even punishing it. It will kill you slowly and painfully wanting you to suffer just as it did.
2) Or it will plan out your demise. Waiting for the perfect time to strike. Just watching you go out of your mind wanting it to end your torment. But he won't. Driving you insane is his fun. Then it slowly kills you slicing your wrists and let them bleed out.

"BOY! GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE AND MAKE DUDDERS SOME FOOD!" I was snapped out of my vengeful thoughts by my bastard uncle's voice.
Opening the creaking cupboard door and making my shit relatives food. Before going out into the garden to find the Shade gang waiting for me.
Tyler Zeth, Stephen Willer, Zack Hazar, Grave Hillber. They had no leader. The closest thing to a leader was Tyler Zeth. But they wanted a true leader.
But why were they waiting for me?
Walking up causuosly to The Shades I said,"May I help you Shades?"
My voice held the confidence of the beast. But my eyes betrayed fear.
It was obvious that The Shades were taken back by the beasts' confidence.
"Yes, um we felt our leader here. Do you live here?"
"Oh then you must be looking for Dudley Dursley. And yes I do live here."
"Are you Harry Potter?"
"Yes" I said releasing a low growl
They knelt quickly to me. I didn't know what to do. It was werid.
I wasn't used to it. But somehow the beast knew it was supposed to be this way. And the beast even told me that.
But why would this be right?
And how did the beast know?

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