chapter three

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"Sam where are you taking me" i said running out of breath as i try to keep up with him. I regret having tiny legs at this point.

"You'll have to see! It wouldn't be much of a surprise if i told you now would it?" Sam questioned me lifting his left eyebrow as he continued to walk at a faster pace than i did

"I guess you're right, ill definitely work up an appetite trying to keep up with you. Are you sure you dont have a slow down botton somewhere on you? It would be much appreciated if you did" i laughed as i stop to catch my breath once again before trying to catch up to him.

Sam stopped in his tracks. "Hey. Maybe if you weren't so tiny we would've been there already" he teased.

"Oh shush sam. You tower over me! I should start calling you the big friendly Giant. It suits you very well dont you think? I teased back

laugher filled the streets ahead of us, i could see his beautiful brown eyes glistened with the same joy i saw back at the fountain. I was so in awe by each feature of his soul. How can one man be so manly yet so childish at the same time?

Sam watched me carefully as i thought to myself. "Ellie, it seems to me that you always think when you're around me? I've always wondered what goes on in that beautiful mind of yours"

I blushed slightly as my eyes met his "to be honest i cant stop thinking of you. How can you be so cute all the damn time?"

I heard a small giggle escape his slightly parted lips "you think I'm cute?"

"Yes of course i do sam! Thats one of the reason why I'm always caught up in the clouds when I'm around you" i said smiling

"I'm glad you think so el" sam exclaimed with a bigger smile them before.

I could tell we were getting closer to our destination. The smell of pizza and Chicago dogs filled the air around us as my mouth started to water. My eyes looked up to take in my surroundings when i noticed sam holding a sliver door for me.

"What this place?" I asked before walking into the building in fount of us.

"Its a family friends place. They own this whole building. The restaurant I'm taking you to is just inside and to the left."

I looked around in aw. Everything about this place was elegant. I felt awkward the moment i step in. This place must be extremely expensive.

"Its very pretty. Im glad you took me here. I dont really get to see the inside of a lot of these buildings here in Chicago."

"Im glad i could be the one to show you. Not a lot of people have access to this place since our parents died"

"Oh my. Im sorry sam. I couldnt imagin what you are going thru.

Sam had a worried expression on his face but took a deep breath in " its okay. my brother dean and i are in the family business aswell. We both understand the consequences of being apart of that."

"Do you mind telling me what happened?"

That queston lingered as sam lead me to the bar where we sat down quickly as no word were spoken.


I hope everyone is enjoying my story so far. I am going to try to add dean in the next few chapters. I also want to add the family business in here somewhere later on. Maybe they will go on a vampire hunt or something.

I should be able to get to the main point to this story soon enough. Im sorry its taking forever. Ahhh. I also want to start updating a little more over the next few weeks!

Thanks for giving me over 200+ reads!! I wouldnt be here without you guys!

Please dont forget to vote :)

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