Dictionaries And Other Things You Should Purchase

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Last part for today because these were pre-written and I needed to educate you more. Enjoy, dear reader.

Help me. Please.

If you can't write, don't write fanfiction. Your spelling and grammar skills have me wondering how you ever  made it to whatever grade you're in.

If your native language is not English, then you have reasoning. But if English is your native language and you spell like my six year old brother and speak like my two year old sister, then I think we have an issue.

Fanfiction example:

Micheal is such a bad boy.  But this could never work becuz I'm a good girl.

But you know what he is hella fine so I may have to tap that.

"Girl you so fine but imma hit you." Micheal thot, smacking Cleopatra upside the hed.

"Y u always so meen to me?!?!?" She cried

"Gurl bye."

"I think... I  think im in luv with my bully." cleopatra thought out loud because she has no friends because Micheal made everyone hate her, even tho she look like Beyonce in Drunk in Love.

Can I just die right here and right now please?

The sad part is, people purposely spell like that.

Don't ever use text slang in your fanfiction, or I'll probably end up telling you off for it. I care so much about literature that I actually think it's kinda gross. Like ew, please don't ever.

1. If you do not know the word, do not try to type the word.


3. If you can't spell Michael's name by now, I'm sorry, but I can't help you and I don't think anyone can.

4. Thot is NOT a multiple meaning word

5. If you've ever heard of commas, periods, question marks, exclamation marks, dear friend, I ask that you use them.

6. Also, way too many fanfiction writers don't know what quotations marks are. If you don't, this is a sign that you are in first grade and darling you should not be on wattpad.

7. There are many words that have one of these things ' <------ . It is called an apostrophe. Use it.

8. Since when are emojis and faces writing? Don't put that in your writing it's really gross...

9. They're = They are

     Their = Belonging to them. Possessive

      There = A place.


10.  There's a thing called spell check. Use it. But don't rely solely on it. Spell check doesn't always find everything, so proofreading is key!!!

But on a less serious note, I laughed so much writing this.

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