Newborn and Training

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Hi low everyone. New part time. Hope you enjoy. I don't own Twilight only my oc's. Bye and enjoy.

Melanie pov
Today was the third day since Alice had been changed. Since it had happened Alex had been unstable emotion wise. It took everything in me to keep him calm. Emmett and Jasper didn't make it easier. They were beyond nervous and scared. They didn't want their sister to suffer. I had to control everyone's emotions including trying to make it easier for Alice. I tried to take some of the pain away. The same way I had for Emmett and Jasper.

We didn't have to wait long. I heard Alice wake up. Alex sped off and I sped off after him. I knew he would barely control his temper if we let it go.

We saw Alice sitting up and looking around. She looked at Alex and their eyes focused on each other. She sped to him and put her arms around his neck. He kissed her deeply. After a bit Alice pulled away and noticed me. She hugged me tightly and buried her face into my neck. I held her close.
" You're safe Ali." She nodded her head. Alex smiled then looked at me. He nodded his head.
" Mel's gonna take you hunting Ali. She's the best of us at it anyway." Alice nodded her head.

I took her away and she did incredibly well for a newborn just as Jasper and Emmett had. Hmmm. This must be a trait among the siblings. After a bit we were relaxing when Alice spoke.
" Hey Mel."
" Hmmm?"
" Would you......that is if you don't mind......I mean. Would you tell us your story?" I stiffened sharply then sighed.
" Yeah. But I'm warnin you it's not a nice or pretty story at all." She nodded her head.
" How long have you........." She stopped and I laughed.
" Since the civil war doll." She looked shocked but then smiled hearing my true Texas accent.
" Your accent."
" I like to hide it partly. At least when I'm somewhere a southerner has no place bein." I stood up. Alice spoke.
" You shouldn't hide it. At least not around our family." I laughed.
" Trust me darlin. I don't. Never have. Now come on. Alex will pitch a hissy fit if he ain't got ya back in his arms soon." She giggled then hopped up.

When we got back Jasper pulled me close. Ryan and Alex noticed my tense body.
" You're gonna tell them." I nodded my head. We settled in then I told them my story.
" I was stubborn when I was human. Always had been. And I wasn't a typical girl." I heard Ryan and Peter snort I gave them a sharp look and they kept quiet.
"One day I hide my gender and joined the army. I was stupid then. I didn't think about any consequences. I was quickly promoted and became a major in the Texas calvary. One day I was riding back after evacuating women and children from a town. I came across three men. I thought they needed help so I went to offer my aide. And in a way they did need help. Stupid me didn't realize the help they needed wasn't the kind I was willin to give." Peter snorted and I shot him a warning glare.
" Don't start major. You know that he only wanted power." I rolled my eyes but ignored it.
" Mario was creating an army. He wanted power and I was part of that plan. I was very strategic and knew things. On top of that I could control emotions which meant I could make others behave the way he wanted them to behave. I didn't question or even bother to fix anything till an incident. Peter was with us by now because I had changed him. Then one day Peter met a newborn named Charlotte. They fell for each other and figured out they were mates. This was a problem. Mario didn't want mates in his army. He believed it would cause distractions." I knew Peter and Charlotte were tense. I nodded my head towards the door. Peter nodded and he left with Charlotte. After they left I continued.
" It was my job to take care of newborns. A never ending cycle because Mario wouldn't let them live past the first year unless they proved of good use. Peter knew Charlotte's time was comin. He tried to convince me and at first I ignored it but then caved and tried to talk to Mario. He refused to listen and told me to handle the newborns earlier then expected."
" Meaning kill them?" Emmett asked. I nodded my head solemnly. I took my over shirt off to reveal my tank top. Emmett and Alice looked shocked. I had scars all over my arms.
" I never lost a fight. The night I was handlin the newborns Charlotte was last. When I went out Peter came out. He told me he didn't want to hurt me. I knew he was trying to hide his fear. I could feel it. And his love and protection of Charlotte. So I did somethin I hadn't done in my time of bein a vampire. I thought things threw. I let him take off with Charlotte. It was a year later that Peter came to convince me to come with them. I spent time with them then took off on my own. I wandered for a bit before I met Alex." I glanced at my smiling "twin" and chuckled.
" He seen me comin of course. From there we traveled. He taught me how to feed vegetarian and we found the Cullens. We've been with them since." Jasper was holding me tightly. Alice looked sad.
" So none of you ever had a choice." I shook my head.
" No we didn't. That's why it's hard for some of us. We can't understand how someone could choose this life." We talked some more and settled down.

Okay. Done. Hope you enjoy. Adios amigos. See you soon.

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