Chapter 2

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Ansel and I only have two classes together, study hall and lunch. Lunch isn't until sixth period and study hall isn't until eighth, so I have the whole morning to think.

Finally after French class, I get to go to lunch. I go to my locker and grab my lunchbox out and head towards the cafeteria. As I scan to cafe to find where Ansel is sitting, something catches my eye. I see Grace, the popular girl that Ansel has been talking to, walk over to a table where Ansel is sitting. Honestly, I would rather not sit with them, but Ansel already saw me and waved me over.

I walked over slowly and sat down next to Ansel. It was very awkward, usually it's just us two sitting together talking and laughing, but today, everyone sat in silence for at least ten minutes. Finally, Ansel spoke up.

"So, Kate, you know Grace, right?"

"Yeah... You talk about her all the time," I say in a nastier tone than I mean to. He gives me a weird look. I know he was mad that I announced that he talks about her all the time, but whatever.

"Alright then. Well why don't we all hang out after school today? You two have loads in common that I bet you can talk about," he said in a voice almost too happily.

"I'll think about it," I said. I really didn't want to go. Why would I want to walk around just so I could see Ansel flirt with another girl? No thanks.


I'm sitting in last period when I finally here the bell ring. Thank god, 2:30 and I can leave. Ansel and I talked a little bit in study hall, but not as much as we usually do. Is something going on? Maybe he's just mad because I told Grace that he talks about her all the time.

I start walking to my locker when I feel someone tap my shoulder.

"Ready to go?" He says.

"Sorry to ruin the plans, I just don't think I'm up for it tonight. I have a lot of homework and studying to do. But you two can go, we'll catch up later."

"You sure?" He says, almost as if he's surprised I'm letting him go.

"Yeah it's fine, I'll call you later." I slam my locker and walk out the door.

Ansel's POV:

I wonder why Kate seemed so mad when she left school today? Probably hormones, or maybe her mom's getting on her nerves again, she said she'd been really mean to her lately. Whatever, I need to go get Grace right now and not think about that.

"Hey!" Grace says when I run up to her locker.

"Hey!" I say back, "ready to go?"

"Yup! Let's go!"

We talked about a lot on the way there. I learned a lot about her family and even stupid little personal things about her. I really am starting to like her, I just hope this doesn't ruin Kate's and my friendship.

Kate's POV:

How could he do this? I thought. Ansel knew there had been things going on with my family lately and I needed him. I could already see what Grace was doing to him, and that was pushing him away from me. I need to get him off my mind, I go up to my room and start to do my homework. About a half an hour later I hear someone come in the door. I walk down to see it's just my dad.

"Hey sweets!" He says.

"Hey dad, how was work?"

"The usual, crazy people everywhere." I laugh, my dad always has funny stories about work. We have always been the closer ones, not so much my mother and I. My mom was always away on business trips and was never really involved in my life.

I walked back upstairs and checked my phone. I only had one notification, a text from Ansel. I decided to open it.

"Hey, mind if I come over?" He only lives a few houses down so I'm sure he'd be here in a few minutes.

"Yeah, sure," I say. Three minutes later I hear a knock at the door. My dad answers it and I can hear him tell Ansel I'm upstairs. He walks up and knocks on my door.

"May I come in?" He says quietly.

"Of course," I answer.

"Can I talk to you about something?" He asks. That's never good, I think to myself. Something happened when he was at the mall with Grace. All of a sudden, my stomach flips and I can hardly look at him.

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