They're Getting WAY Too Suspicious

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Zalgo carried me to the hospital and Smiley was there as well since he heard what happened with Jason. Right now, I was sitting on the examining bed and Smiley was checking my ankle and I flinched in pain a little as he checked it over.

"Ow! hey Smiley! that hurts!"

"Sorry, well, I can tell you this much, it's only bruised where Jason grabbed you and it might be slightly sprained as well but other than that, it should heal fine."

I sighed in relief as Dr Smiley wrapped a bandage around my ankle. Zalgo stayed with while Jeff and Dark Link checked up on Sakura after what she went through.

"Hey I meant to ask, how are Dark Link's injuries? he was badly hurt after getting hit by that exploding red mouse."

"He'll live, he's only got a few minor burns and he didn't seem to care if his face got messed up."

"Probably because it might have been worth it since (Y/n) became a damsel in distress for a change."

Zalgo said before he started chuckling afterwards. I glared at Zalgo and I said to him.

"I was not being a damsel in distress, I could have taken Jason on if he hadn't strapped be down like that."

"Oh, sure you would have."

Zalgo said with a smirk. Once Smiley was done wrapping the bandage on my ankle, he helped me off the bed and he then said to me.

"I should probably warn you, Sakura might get suspicious of you since she's seen L.J and when he helped you two out."

"I know, if I can't convince her that I don't know anything about what happened earlier, I hate to think what the consequences will be like."

"Well, I can."

Dr Smilely mumbled.

"Anyway, you take care of yourself and don't push yourself either, I've got other patients to check up on."

"Question, do you really work as a doctor by day and a killer at night?"

I asked Smiley and then he answered me with a chuckle.

"You're right on the money, I'll see you later."

Dr Smiley said as we left the room. I limped a little and then Zalgo offered his arm for me.

"Would like to lean on me for support?"


I said with a smile and I wrapped my arm around Zalgo's arm. We got to Sakura's room and Jeff and Dark Link were whispering to each other for some reason and I then spoke up.

"What are you two doing? I asked you to check up on Sakura."

Dark Link looked at me and he has a plaster on his cheek, a bandage on his head and a bandage along with a sling on his right arm.

"We were planning to but, Jeff here decided to get his butcher knife ready and kill her."

I glared at Jeff and he shrank back in fear.


"*Gulp* sorry...."

Jeff said to me while trying to hide behind Dark Link. I sighed afterwards and I then said to Dark Link.

"Anyway, why are you two still standing out here? is Sakura all right?"

"Well, she's awake but, her parents are here and Officer Blackwall is in a bad mood."

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