2. Meetings

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sorry for rushing the first chapter. needed to get that through.
xx, tvrres
I stared back into those chocolate, hypnotizing eyes of hers. She blankly looked (or at least tried to) deep into mine. Her eyelashes fluttered as she caught my eyes. She was a complete stranger to me, just sitting in the stands.

Cheering my team on.
Her long hair sleeked with shine as she flipped it, accidentally hitting the short female next to her. The short girl giggles and brown eyes does the same. She slowly raises her gaze back towards me, blushing, as a tomato.

A cute tomato.
Oh, I slowly realize how creepy that was. God, I really need to watch what I think.

Especially since there were over 300,000 people here, praying none of them would notice how tense I was. My thoughts were racing like crazy; Wondering the results of this match, how I would take the ball down the field, that brown eyed girl, if Ludmila was out drunk again. Too many wonders, only so many I could take.
But one specific thought bothered me. A thought that probably should've never crossed my mind. As this thought destroyed my mind into pieces, I didn't care.
How come only her eyes came in contact with mine?

Torres nudges my shoulder, causing the team to look over at us, "Make sure Ludmila doesn't catch you sneaking at other girls!" He snickers, looking the direction of 'brown eyes'.
Since I don't know her name, brown eyes suited her for now. Hell, who knows if I'm even going to talk or meet her? I kept her in the back of my head, as Ludmila tells me to do with every girl I come in contact with.
She says she's the only one that should be on my mind.
Go figure, I tend to do the complete opposite.

"I wasn't, you ass." I roll my eyes at him, walking onto the slick green grass, towards the middle of the field. As I walked to my right wing position, Torres followed.
"Don't do anything you're gonna regret, Emboaba." He smirks, allowing his crinkles by his eyes to reveal. His forehead already had beads of sweat as he chuckles off towards the ball. Slowly, he places his foot on the replica of the newest Nike True Flight ball.

And then the whistle blew to reveal the first half has begun. Torres kicked off and guided the ball to me. As I led, trailing the ball down the field, I entered the goal box. I shuffled my feet around, swinging my right foot to aim. I did a left step over, confusing the defender, Alberto Moreno. Once I finally got around Moreno, who stuck to me like a tick, I stopped the ball with my left foot. Kicking it with force, I arched it into a cross, only to see Torres toss it off into the back of the net, and the crowd goes crazy. Damn. The audience all cheered in unison, as well as did 'brown eyes'. I throw my hands up in the air, yelling, "Come on Chelsea!" Jogging over to me, Torres chuckles and points to me, "You're the man, Osc!" He yells, hugging me and watching Hazard and the others pile into a hugging circle. (see gif)

My eyes wander to see if that girl was watching me, and sure enough, she is. I shoot her another grinning smile and she darts her eyes to Torres, and I wondered why she did that. Her friends' gaze stayed on him as well, then she cracks her to head to the side, whispering to the mystery girl, aka 'brown eyes'. As if I gave a damn about their conversation.

Later on, the score was 2-0, us being the 2. It was 4 minutes until the second half was over, and we would've easily had it in the bag.

The final whistle blew, then the uproar from the audience was heard. We all cheered and watched as a sea of blue in the audience stand, cheering, clapping, blue streamers everywhere, and even the girl was cheering.

Still looking at me.

As the team and I headed back to the locker rooms, we paused to see two girls walking towards us. Those two girls, including the one who was watching me play.

Twice (Oscar)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon