4. Expecting the unexpected

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Considering the fact that Nando was twice the size I was, I wasn't going to get my phone back anytime soon. Nando held his arm still in the air, his grip only intensifying on the teeny
iPhone. While his other arm only continued pushing my little self away.

"Fernando!" I yell, trying so hard to get his lock off me. His eyes curl to the side, facing me, as he continues smirking slyly. He begins to read the texts out loud, and the girls look behind as he clears his throat.

"Ready, ladies?" Nando asks, throwing me off to the side as if I was trash. They look at each other, then they look back at Nando and nod.

Flor says, "Is Oscar okay with this?" With a puppy look.

"Not at all, but on with the show!" He does some hand gestures like a magician and continues. Not even giving a shit about my personal business. They read:

'Oscar, where on Earth are you?! Olalla had to take me out to some annoying asian manicure spa without you or Nando?! What is this? Answer back right when you see this, or I will not be happy.'

Nando chuckles, mumbling 'clasico', and reads my part. I look at the girls, whose eyes were locked onto my phone.

'Ludmila, I'm tired of you. All you do is control and annoy me. Keep whatever you want, but this is surely over. And I will enjoy my life. I hope you do too. Thanks" for using my fame while you had it. ;)'

Nando makes a sssssss noise as if I had burned her. "And she only read it! Can ya believe that, folks?!" He says, ecstatic as anything.

"Yes, Nando. Now hand it over." I roll my eyes as he throws the phone to me. As I turn my head to the girls, Carmen didn't look surprised at all. Yet Flor did. She had a face that read, "OH MY GOD DID OSCAR DOS SANTOS JUST DO THAT SHIT". Nando had just embarrassed me, once again in front of some random girls.

"Can we just go inside now..?" I murmur, red as a stop sign.

Nando stands next to Flor with an arm around her waist, "Well, why not?" And they both walk in. Leaving me and Carmen outside. How fun.

"Are we going in or not?" She asks, slumping a shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah." I say, and run inside. I guess I kind of forgot to leave the door open for her and left her out there. She opens the gold rimmed doors, and says, "You like to piss me off, or are you just stupid like that?" She rolls her eyes and follows Nando and Flor.

"No, Carmen, I jus-" I stop myself, realizing that she was seated with them already. Goddammit.

"What will you two lovelies order?" Nando says, looking up from the menu. "I'm thinking lobster.," Flor pauses, "Nando, will you spilt it with me? I don't think I can finish it all on my own.. Haha." She awkwardly asked. "My, I never thought you would ask, dear!" And they laugh together. Carmen and I just sit there, looking over the menu again and again. Flor and Nando were hitting it off, yet Carmen didn't think we should. I personally didn't mean to do that to her with the door, it just kind of slipped my mind.

"And you, Carmen?" I finally break the silence between us.

"Honestly, I have no idea, how about you?" She looks up at me with her ice cold eyes, trying to focus on me. "Probably the chicken Alfredo.." I do a nervous chuckle. She blinks and says nothing.

"Want me to help you look?" I felt my leg bouncing up and down.

"Please do, but pick something with chicken," She says, winking. That totally didn't turn me on or anything. "Chicken parm?" I ask, and she nods. Nando smirks at me and puts his arm around Flor, whose face goes a light shade of pink. He points at his tattooed arm that was around Flor and nudges his head at Carmen, wanting me to do the same. I didn't want to be forced, so I shook my head and mouthed the word, 'No.' Carmen was too busy texting Flor under the table, so they both didn't notice. Nando had his way with girls, but I didn't have the best luck. I had struggles even with Ludmila and convincing her to even be my girlfriend. He was like a natural, and I was an actor.

The wait for the food was full of squeals from the girls, and us watching them. "Nando, this isn't the funnest thing to do. They're just laughing with each other and not even acknowledging us." I whisper to him, leaning over the table.

"Yeah, give it some time. Flor sure has a liking to me, I don't know about Carmen to you though." He snickers. I kick him under the table, and he jumps up, causing his drink to spill on himself. None of my business.

Flor notices, grabs a napkin and gasps. "Are you okay?"

"Just fine, dear. It's a tad bit cold." Nando says, grabbing her hand with the napkin in it. This kid was so good at being a flirt, that it was annoying.

The food finally arrives, and it settles on the table. Carmen's eyes light up as she sees hers rest on the white tablecloth.

"Oh my god, this is a beautiful piece of work.." She murmurs. I don't know if that was cute, or weird. I have mixed feelings about her little comment. "Well, dig in!" Nando exclaims. A little into our meal, he breaks the ice once again.

"So, Carmen," He asks. She abruptly looks up at him, with a little tomato sauce in the corner of her lip. I reach for the wine red napkin, and so does she.

"Oh! Sorry." I say, as our hands touch. She gives me a warm smile, and replies to Nando.

"Yeah, what's on your mind?"

He chuckles and says, "I want to know more about you and your friend here." He puts a lot of emphasis on the friend part, like she was special. I mean they flirted like crazy.

"Well, I just met her today, at the game. But I feel like her and I are close now, strange right?," She lets out a cute chuckle, "So I love football, and I want to major in chef / cooking. Nothing much to me, I guess." And lets out a sigh.

Flor's eyes go wide and says, "I didn't even know that! But I am majoring in biology. And I, of course, have always had a liking for football." And looks into Nando's eyes.

"My, both of you seem like amazing ladies, right Oscar..?" I blink as he mentions my name. I had listened, but just nodded.

"Hey, Oscar, let's go to the bathroom. I don't know where it is." He says, winking at me.

"Okay, sure." I say, and wonder. Nando was up to something. He went to the bathroom earlier to wash up. He knew exactly where it was. He was going to try to get me to do something, and I had a feeling I wasn't going to like it.


xx, tvrres
(this chapter is VERY bad and rushed and i am so sorry i promise the next will be much better and more descriptive.)

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