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It was quiet in the early hours of the morning in the institute. The young Shadowhunters had rid the streets of New York of demons and they were making use of the quiet time, as it was not a common occurrence.

The institute was empty, except for the four young Shadowhunters and Simon, as the Lightwood elders who were usually there were in Idris with Clary's mom and Luke.

It was past three in the morning when they stumbled into the Institute, Magnus in tow, from their night at Pandemonium. Izzy and Clary came in first, clutching their heels in their hands and swaying from side to side from the amount of alcohol that had been consumed. The three boys followed, Simon being held up between Jace and Alec.

Meaning as there were no parents waiting for them to come home, Izzy had made the most of the night, ensuring that they left the club as late as possible. Each of them had consumed numerous drinks, tequila shots, and cocktails for the girls (and Magnus of course). Pandemonium was the best club in town, not just because you could take down demons in there, but because they had the best music in town.

Their night had consisted of drink and dancing, before catching a cab back to the institute in the early hours of the morning.

When they got home, they walked through the front door and into the large communications room.

Simon and Clary were laying on one of the large tables, whilst Izzy was hooking her phone up to the speaker system that was installed in the Institute. Whilst not as paralytic as Simon, Jace and Alec were drunker than Clary had ever seen them. Alec was running around the room with his Parabatai on his back, whilst Magnus watched them laughing.

"Alec! You have to stop running in circles, you're making the room spin even more." Izzy whined from where she was sitting, trying to figure out which song to play.

Alec slowed down, rolling his eyes good-naturedly dropped his arms and let Jace down. Instead, he walked over to Clary who was now sitting up on the table, suggesting songs for Izzy to play. Alec jumped up onto the table beside Clary, reaching up to muss her hair, making Clary laugh drunkenly.

Clary leant her head on Alec's shoulder, falling asleep in a matter of seconds.

"You know, maybe we should all be sleeping. Just because we haven't slept it doesn't mean we won't be called out on a mission tomorrow." Alec suggested, Izzy rolled her eyes dramatically at her brother.

"Why does he always have to be right?" She complained to Jace, making him laugh as he walked to Clary and lifted her into his arms to carry her to their room, followed by Alec, Magnus and Izzy. Only thinking about getting into bed and sleeping, each of them forgot about Simon who remained on the table, passed out.

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