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"Mal's gone back to the Isle."

With those few words Ben's world stopped. He blamed himself firstly. How could he not see how much Mal had been struggling? There had been so many hints and he didn't take the time to have a proper conversation with her or help her out, instead he just felt betrayed that she had kept secrets from him and continued to use magic to get things done. The shock of her leaving hit him hard. He wasn't quite sure how he was meant to react. 

Evie stood across from him, worry and sadness marring her features. She also felt responsible. Mal had tried to talk to her and she had just shut her down, thinking Mal was joking or nervous for cotillion. She passed Ben the note Mal had written, looking down in shame and guilt for being a part of the reason for Mal's departure. 

"This is my fault. This is my fault!", Ben cried, causing Evie to look up in surprise and sympathy, "I-I blew it. She'd been under so much pressure lately, and instead of being understanding, I just went all Beast on her. I have to go there and apologise. I have to go there and--and beg her to come back." 

Evie shook her head sadly, "Ben, you'll never find her. You need to know how the Isle and how it works and...", Evie's head snapped up in realisation, "you have to take me with you."


Arianna was sitting on the beach, gazing over the water that lapped over the sand. She didn't understand how people could just accept being in one place forever, not exploring all the opportunities and different ways of life elsewhere. She was like her mother in that aspect, always reaching towards the horizon and wanting to experience something new. Most of her features she got from her father, but her hair was a dark mahogany, somewhere between the vibrant red of her mother and the chocolatey brown of her father. Her eyes however, were purely her mother's, blue green with long lashes that were pitch black. Arianna sighed, tracing patterns in the sand that rested beneath her. All she wanted was to travel, and see the rest of the world before it was too late and she was married off to someone she couldn't stand, because (lets face it) all of the princes in Auradon were stuck up pricks who just wanted a crown and a lasting legacy. She just needed someone who loved her for her, instead of seeing her as a way to get to a throne or an idiot who couldn't seem to grasp the concept of royalty being above everyone else. She sighed again, before the sound of footsteps and a few choice curse words being flung around jolted her out of her thoughts.

"Insufferable pigs! How dare he shove the rule book in my face and declare that because I'm not a 'man' I can't be on the team! I beat Jay in a fight, I am clearly a better swords-person than any of them. And those rules are from years ago. They need changing to be more suitable to the modern world. Girls are just as good as guys, surely I just proved that!" Lonnie was properly pissed off, causing Arianna to smirk slightly. She turned around and glanced at Lonnie, who was struggling to stomp through the mass of sand on the beach. Stifling a giggle at her friend's hilarious situation, she stood up, brushed off the sand clinging to her clothing and walked slowly towards Lonnie, who was still raging about the injustice of the world, even though they were in Auradon. "Come on Lonnie, just breathe...", Arianna tried calming down her friend,"Good. Now, what actually happened?".

Lonnie delved into the story of how she had gone to Fencing practise, in hopes of showing the boys she was just as good as them, if not better, and how she had succeeded in beating Jay, only to have Chad pull out a rulebook and start reprimanding her because girls aren't allowed on the team, even though Ben couldn't go because he had a lot of jobs to do as King. Arianna listened avidly, shaking her head slowly as she heard how Jay had agreed even though he knew Lonnie was right. After Lonnie was finished, Arianna stood back up, hauled her friend to her feet and suggested they went back to the school to clean themselves up and eat, her stomach growling in agreement, causing both girls to laugh as they walked back along the beach.


As they reached the cafeteria, Arianna and Lonnie spotted their friends dotted around the room. The VK's were all at one table, except for Mal, who was nowhere in sight. They seemed to be in a deep conversation, and as Lonnie was still pretty pissed off with Jay, they decided it was probably better to sit with Mione, daughter of Jasmine and Aladdin, and Ally, daughter of Alice. 

As they slid into the available seats, Arianna couldn't help but think that her life was so dull and repetitive. There was quite a nice change from normal when the VK's first arrived, and now she was incredibly close with Evie and especially Mal, who was a bit like the sister she never had. That though led, inevitably, to the thought that she hadn't spoken with Mal in quite a while since Ben became King and Mal was thrown into the spotlight. She wondered how the girl was doing, as she imagined the pressure would have gotten to her by now. There was no way she could have coped that well being thrown in the deep end, as she was. 

Arianna was shaken (literally) out of her thoughts by Mione, who had asked her where she had been all day. She looked down sheepishly while muttering, "the beach" as quietly as possible. Mione looked at her in disbelief. "Aria, you know that whenever you go there you get crazy thoughts about exploring the rest of the world. It's not good for you, you have to accept who you are. If there's anything I've learned from my dad it's that." Arianna sighed. She knew she wasn't allowed to travel, even though her parents were always sailing off into the distance and leaving her behind. "I know M, but I can't stand how repetitive everything is. It's the same thing every hour of every day, and it's just so boring. I want an adventure, or to go exploring somewhere. I thought you three most of all would understand feeling like you weren't happy with how things are. I mean Lonnie, you've always wanted to join the fencing team and prove you're just as good as the boys, Ally, you know that there's always more to things than meets the eye, and Mione, don't you ever feel like everyone always makes your decisions for you?" The other three girls looked at Arianna in surprise. "We know you want to explore the world, and experience new things," Ally started slowly,"we've all been there at some point, but-""we think that sometimes you just have to accept things how they are." Mione finished. "And this might be one of those times." Lonnie stated, before getting up to go and train some more in fencing.

Arianna just sighed, picked up her stuff, and began her walk to cheerleading practise.


Hi everyone! I am Rowan, and this is basically my first book on Wattpad, or ever...

I am English, so some of the spelling might not be how you spell them, but for me it's all correct, so please no comments on my incorrect spelling because it's probably meant to be that way. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this prologue and continue reading.

Thanks guys!!!

Kidnapped {Harry Hook} - ON HOLDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें