Chapter 2 - Confident

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Just saying this takes place kind of at the same time as chapter 1: so don't be confused.


Lonnie's POV:

I shook my head, and continued with my plan to join the Fencing Team. I know that Aria has always wanted adventure and freedom, but that girl has to understand that there's a difference between me following my heart to join the fencing team, and her following her heart to travel the world. I understand her being jealous of her parents travelling and leaving her behind, but she has to understand that she is needed here.

As I continued to storm down the corridor, I bumped into Chad. Literally. He walked into me before trying to just push past me and continue walking. I scoffed at his ridiculous behaviour before grabbing his shoulder and swinging him round to face me. Chad rolled his eyes and went to turn around again but I blocked his route. As I stood in front of him he tried to move past me again but I just grabbed him and stopped him from escaping. "Will you stop trying to leave? You are such an ass, I swear. I'm better than all the guys on the team and you know it. You're just humiliated because you got beaten by a girl and being the sexist prick you are, that should be impossible." Chad scoffed and crossed his arms. "Are you done, because I have somewhere I need to be and it's rather important and irrelevant to you or your adorable yet pathetic attempt to intimidate me when you know I am the more important and attractive of the two of us." He ran a hand through his hair and smirked smugly at me as he spoke, and all that was running through my head was: who does this guy think he is? I swear to god I will kill him one of these days. "You know what Chad, you are genuinely just paranoid that someone may outdo you in the one thing you're somewhat decent at. However, if you hadn't noticed, most of the team is already better than you. I know how to fence. I was brought up being taught how to defend myself against attacks or against bullies like you. I also fight far better than you, and the team, except for maybe Jay. So you can eat your words for I am far stronger both physically and mentally than you. Now go and do whatever it is you need to do so urgently. I'm just going to let you go and probably humiliate yourself more.Goodbye Chad."

As I stepped aside and finished my final sentence, Chad rushed off. Looking at my watch, I was surprised to see that we'd been talking - well, I'd been ranting - for over half an hour. I shook my head and went to find somewhere to practise some more and get my anger out. Chad's so sexist it's ridiculous.


I swung my sword again, hitting the dummy exactly where I'd planned to. If it had been a real person that would have decapitated them on the spot. I huffed, before putting my sword back in my belt and blowing the hair off my forehead, where it was stuck with sweat. I'd been training for around four hours, I think. I felt accomplished. It was around ten in the evening now and I realised I'd have to get back to the dorm as soon as possible, as 10 0'clock was our curfew. If I was caught out of my room I'd get into huge amounts of trouble with Fairy Godmother. I cleaned up all the things I'd been using to train with and grabbed my sword before beginning my way back to mine and Arianna's dorm. I hope she'd cooled down and stopped having crazy ideas by now, but I knew she would never truly stop wanting freedom.

As I walked down the corridor, trying to be as quiet as possible to prevent being caught after hours, I noticed a door was open. "-ou guys making Fairy Godmother's wand?" That voice sounded an awful lot like Chad, but why was he in someone else's dorm at this time of night? And why were they talking about Fairy Godmother's wand? I decided to listen to see if I could understand what was going on. I stood outside the door and poked my head around the doorframe. Jay and Carlos? What are they doing talking with Chad? As I looked, I noticed they were in Isle clothes. "Because, uhhh-", "Ben's been captured!" I froze and my jaw dropped in shock at the statement and who, or what, had said it. Dude had spoken. I recoiled automatically and threw a hand over my mouth before I audibly gasped by accident. I realised that they had gone to the Isle for some reason. As I stood thinking, it clicked. Mal must've gone back to the Isle, which is why we didn't see her in the cafeteria earlier, and they went to get her back. It only makes sense that Ben would've wanted to go with them, but he got captured, and someone wants the Fairy Godmother's wand in return for Ben. I was snapped out of my daze when I realised their conversation was coming to an end, and rushed back to my dorm before they could realise I'd been eavesdropping on them.

I had to get ready. I was going to make them take me with them.


This chapter's a bit shorter guys. I don't normally write in first person, and this is a bit of a filler to explain sort of what's gonna happen later.

Thanks for reading!

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