~Chapter 2~

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The new girl

The next day in the morning, Eleanor woke up by the sound of the alarm going off. She slowly got out of bed.

After she finished getting ready for school, she went downstairs to eat breakfast. The girl slowly passed by her mother and grab a waffle.

"Good morning, family!", the girl said eagerly.
"Good morning, mija!", her father greeted her like he always do in mornings.

She looked at the clock hanging by the wall into the kitchen. It read 8:30 AM.

"I got to go. It's getting really late and I want to be early for my first day.", she told them halfway through the truth, she just wanted to get out of that family.

Once she was out of the house, she took out a cigarette and the lighter out of her back pocket. After the girl lighted up the cigarette, she took a drag and made her way to her new school. A few minutes later, Eleanor heard the engine of a car. She looked behind her only for her to see a blue car, a Trans-Am to be exactly, pulling up beside her. She looked directly into the car to see who was driving. She saw a boy with a mullet into the passager seat, a boy with a cute hat in the driver seat, a boy with blonde hair in the back seat and a boy with long dark brown hair in the back seat with the blonde one.

'From where do I know him? He look so familiar', thought Eleanor. 'Of course, is the boy from last night! What is he going to do to me?'

The girl started to panic at the thought and took another drag from her cigarette and tried to avoid the burning staring of the boys in the car by walking faster on the way to school.

Suddenly, Eleanor felt a bony hand grabbing her wrist tightly, spinning her around. Once she was facing the person that hold her hand, she immediately recognised them. It was the mysterious boy that creeped, somehow, Eleanor out. Patrick, was his name.

"Hey there, sweerheart! Miss me?, he asked her rhetorical.

"N-no.", stuttered the girl. "I-I don't even know you.", said Eleanor more confident.

"How come?", asked Patrick confused. "I came last night, remember?", he told her smirking.

"Whatever, I don't want to retain you, even though you are the one who's retaining me, I have to go to school.", said Eleanor, trying to be polite. She pulled away from him, and started her way down the street, but he grabbed her hand again, more tighter.

"At least, let me give you a ride.", he said pointing at the car behind him. Eleanor looked at him hesitantly, but then she slowly nodded her head and took his hand.

They walked towards the car. Patrick opened the door for Eleanor. She got in the middle, between the blonde boy and Patrick. Once Patrick got in the car, he grabbed Eleanor's wrist and put her on top of his lap. The girl turned a dark shade of crimson, it was clearly she was uncomfortable.

"Would you like to give me a lap dance, sweetheart?", he asked. The girl felt him getting hard, so she immediately tried to pull away from his grip and accidentally hit the blonde boy.

"I'm sorry, umm......", she apologised him waiting for him to say his name

"I'm Victor, and it's alright.", he responded her nicely, she smiled to him back.

"Be careful, Patrick. Vic is trying to steal your girl.", the driver said.

"He better not...", Patrick said, giving Victor a threatening look that made him to look away from you. "Eleanor, dear, these are my friends: Reginald, but we're calling him Belch" he said pointing at the driver, "Henry, the leader of the gang" he said pointing at the boy in the passenger seat, "and you already know our 'nice' guy, Victor" he said pointing at Victor.

"Nice to meet you all.", said Eleanor quietly. No one answered, but Victor saying under his breath "Welcome to Derry"

"Thanks" responded Eleanor smiling, also saying under her breath for Patrick not to hear, but failed. He pulled her closer, whispering in her ear:

"You're better not falling for him, sweetheart. There will be... consequences", then he just licked his lips maniacally, scaring the girl.

Suddenly, the car stoped. They arrived at school. Eleanor waited for Patrick to get out of car, so it wouldn't be more awkward than it already is. He opened the door and got out. Once he was outside the car, he stick his hand out to help Eleanor out the car. She took his hand hesitantly. She stepped out the car and look up to the old building, also known, by the localhost, as a school. The girl felt two familiar hands wrapped around her shoulder. She looked up to see Patrick grinning down at her while walking towards the building.

"Uh...Thank you for the ride. I really appreciate it. Umm...See you around.", said Eleanor, hoping Patrick would let her alone. She started to walk to the principal office, when, out of nowhere Patrick, grabbed her wrist tight.

"No. I'll walk you there. You don't even know where the office is.", he told her, practically dragging her after him. They stoped in front of a wooden door. "I'll wait for you here.", he said letting go of her hand. She nodded slowly and entered the room. There was a woman with big glasses. She didn't notice Eleanor, so she decided to go up to the lady.

"Um...Excuse me, m'am?", asked Eleanor now waiting for an answer. The lady looked up at Eleanor and finally responses.

"Yes, dear", the old lady said.

"My name is Eleanor Smith and I'm new to Derry. My father send you a letter saying that I'm coming."

"Yes. Yes, of course. Here, this is your schedule and your locker's combination" the old lady handed her the paper.

"Thank you. Have a nice day! Good bye", and with that Eleanor left the office where Patrick waited for her.

"Oh, you got it. Let's go." he grabbed her hand once again and goes to her locker. He unlocked it for her and she put everything in there. I'm going to decorate it later', thought Eleanor. Patrick is still waiting for her. "I'm done. So...um...see you around. Bye!", she waved at him.

"Wait! What is your first class?", he asked desperately.

"Umm....Math with Mr. Bing.", said Eleanor hesitant.

"Great! Me too. Come.", he said taking Eleanor's hand gentle. Eleanor started to blush a dark shade of red. She was trying to hide it when Patrick said: "You're cute when you blush." Those words made Eleanor to blush even harder.

'It's going to be an interesting day.' thought Eleanor. 'I can't wait to be the new girl'.

Words count: 1154


'And then I found you'

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