Pull the goddamn trigger

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The fuck was that you idiot,you risked all of our asses,are you crazy you fucker?

To say that Yoongi was pissed was an understatement.His veins looked like they were about to pop out of his skin from any second.Taehyung just gave Yoongi another reason to hate him more than he already did.They hated each other and that was that.

They never did something to fix their relationship or be friendly with one another.Taehyung was only here for the money.That's how it has always been between them.

The younger lifted his head up,starring at Yoongi and trying to show no fear even tho he felt like throwing up.

I promised him i'd take him to see his brother.He was suffering.It hurts me to see him like that Taehyung whispered the last part hanging his head low again.He was gonna be nothing but honest with Yoongi and he didn't give two fucks if the elder ripped his head out of his body.

Yoongi sat at on the counter in front of Taehyung and in a low voice said:Do i look like i care about your fucking love life?Or even love in general,huh Kim Taehyung?Do i?

Let me tell you something.I won't fucking risk mine and Joonie's lives just cause your ignorant ass is in love with that little idiot.And you know what else?

Yoongi chuckled again and stretched his hand behind his back as he was tired from all of this talk.

I bet that when he reports us he'd tell the police you were in this too Tae.Yeah.He'd turn you in too.He hates you Tae and you know it,you just don't wanna accept it.He wants you to rott in jail for the rest of your existence Kim Taehyung that's what he's been planning since the beginning-

Just like Hoseok is gonna do with you?Taehyung interrupted the older with a smirk plastered on his face.Oh no he wouldn't let Yoongi ruin this.Not today.He wasn't getting any of the elder's bullshit.

Hoseok's not a little impatient and cocky bitch Tae...that's the difference.He doesn't bite the hand that feeds him.I bet "your little Kookie" wouldn't hesitate to turn you in right know in this moment without thinking it twice.

Now was Yoongi's turn to smirk.Seeing Taehyung all angry and shaking made him feel satisfied with himself.

Don't talk about him like that Taehyung shouted pushing Yoongi of the counter not thinking about what the older could do to him.

You don't know what love is,that's why you're like this a lonely psycho who keeps a poor boy
trapped in this ruins you call house.You beat the shit out of him doesn't feed him and then you expect him to love you back,you sick bastard.At least i don't take advantage of someone and beat them till they pass out.You broke his fucking leg for fuck's sake how do you expect him to be okay after that-

Taehyung froze on his place when Yoongi grabbed the nearest gun and pointed it towards his head,finger on the trigger getting ready to shoot the boy.

But then a high pitched voice made him turn his head towards the door.

Yoongi no Hoseok screamed.The raven haired boy was watching Yoongi dead in the eye.He was trying to hide all his fears Yoongi thought.Was trying to be confident.Does he think he could stop Yoongi?Yoongi is a psychopath no one can stop him.Thats how he was born and that's how he's gonna die.

Hoseok got closer and closer to him till their feet touched and Yoongi's hot breath hit his face.Some tears were threatening to spill out of Yoongi's eyes but Hoseok dried them with his sleeves before they had the chance too.

Don't do this Hyung,he's your friend Hoseok whispered in a soft voice that made Yoongi's knees go weak.Hoseok cupped the older's pale face in his large hands and continued:
Hyung,what if i promise you im not leaving till you get better huh? Im gonna stay here,but you have to promise me you're not gonna hurt people anymore okay? C'mon let's go to bed together.

Yoongi felt numb.He really wasn't feeling anything.The only thing that mattered to him right know was to feel Hoseok's touches.He couldn't give two fucks about Taehyung or Jungkook or the police.

He would get arrested a million times if it meant he'd get this kind of treatment from the younger.Honestly everyone thinks he's obsessed with the raven haired boy with cute dimples and heart shaped smile but it's not.Its more than an obsession.

Yoongi is in love with Hoseok.He loves him and yeah he has his problems,major ones,but maybe Hoseok could help him get through them.

An-and maybe Hoseok loves him too.These illusions his mind produced were really dangerous and he knew it but just for now he wanted to be with Hoseok,nothing else.

Hoseok gave him a reassuring smile and Yoongi dropped his gun to the floor not even noticing Jungkook running towards the floor and getting the gun on his hands,aiming it towards Yoongi.

Leave my brother alone if you don't want me to blow your brains out.Jungkook threatened hoping Yoongi would surrender and let them go.But the blonde didn't even flinch he just stayed there still squeezing Hoseok's hand and starring at Jungkook with an unreadable expression.

Kookie put the gun down,it's fine Hoseok said in a scared tone.

What no it's not fine,Hoseok he deserves to die for what he did.No he has to die.Cmon Hoseok let's go Jungkook said stretching out his hand towards Hoseok.

But his brother didn't move.He could escape.Could leave this shithole and get back to his normal life.A life without wounds and without Yoongi.A happy one.

Kookie you need to leave now Hoseok said in a whisper hanging his head low.

What?No Hoseok you're comming with me.There's no way in hell im leaving you here.

No Kookie you don't understand.I have to help Yoongi okay.He needs my help.And see,im fine you have nothing to worry about.Look im gonna stay here till Yoongi get's better and then im gonna turn back home okay?I promise Jungkookie...you just have to be patient.

Taehyung take Jungkook it's time to go now Hoseok said in a low voice and Taehyung didn't thought twice about it.Jungkook was screaming and protesting with all his heart but Taehyung picked him up and left the mansion with a crying Jungkook on his back.It broke Hoseok's heart but he had to do this.He promised Yoongi...

Let's go Hyung he said pulling Yoongi with him towards "their room".

He helped the older wear his pajamas and made sure to tuck him in.Yoongi was being oddly quiet and he looked just like a little kid who was scared to sleep without his parents.

Hoseok turned off the light,making the room pitch dark and layed next to Yoongi on the king sized bed.He pulled the older closer and wiped the tears out of his eyes.

Why are you crying hyung Hoseok whispered as to not break the peaceful atmosphere surrounding them.But the younger didn't get an answer from the blonde who seemed like he was really shocked from everything that happened.

It's okay hyung,you dont have to tell me now,i can wait Hoseok said kissing the olders temple and hugging him tighter in his muscular arms.

Night,Yoongi hung!



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