Demon Makes A Mess-Chapter Five

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I sat down on a bench watching the stars twinkle in the nighttime sky.

It was so beautiful.

Demon was doing a stand guard security guard style in the park.

A snake slithered across the ground.

"Go away, creature of the night".

He said, frowning.

I walked closer to the snake as it hissed at the bass guitarist.

"If you leave it alone, it won't hurt you".

I told him.

But the Demon wasn't buying it.

He blew fire breath and the snake shrieked in pain.

It suddenly moved itself and grew bigger.

I just stood there, confused at how the snake was turning into a monster.

With a sudden burst of dark magic, it spat out black smoke at me.

I panicked and ran away to find the others.


I yelled as the rest of KISS took to the air.

I led them to where Demon was attacking the reptilian monster.

Suddenly, the snake struck me in the arm.

I screamed in pain as I fell to the ground, clutching my injury.

When Catman saw that I was hurt, he became angry.

He snarled and growled as he destroyed the monster once and for all.

"You okay, Catman"?

Starchild could see how pissed off the drummer was.

The band ran over to me.

I was in a lot of pain and was also trying not to cry.

"Oh my god, what has that monstrosity done to you"?

 Catman bent down to my level and examined my wounds.

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