A Letter To You, That Will Never Get Sent To You

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Dear you,

I really hope you know that I liked you enough to love you, but here you are flirting with other girls. It's kind of make me annoyed, I can't tell if you are doing it on purpose to make me jealous (why do you guys do that, like really do you have to make us mad just to know if we like you. Urg.) or if I'm just there at the right time and place when I don't want to; knowing that your flirting with girls. Oh yeah BTW you are HORRIBLE at flirting (is an insult supposed to make someone blush). On a different focus when someone says they like you. Your first response is "really?". No duh really, you are literally the hottest eighth grader at White River Middle School (to me). On a totally changed note why did you have to change. Four years ago you were the cutest, sweetest boy I'd ever met. But now you're still pretty cute, but you have turned into a total douche/ player. Like really, you act like you're the shit around other people. But it's not you, it's guys you hang around that are TOTAL DOUCHE BAGS. But you know what, I'd like a whole hella of a lot more if you weren't such a douche. But I like you anyway so what ev.



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