Chapter Eighteen

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'Nobody said it was easy, no one ever said it would be this hard'

                            - Coldplay, The Scientist



Zades POV

Kyle started to pace the waiting room while we waited for the doctor to tell us about Joe Jrs condition, we had to bring him back to America because the Jamaicans had band him from every hospital on the island, and thats not all, the King also said that Joe Jr shouldn't come back because he was a huge threat to his people and his daughter.

In other words, he was banished.

Kyle stopped his pacing and turned to face Brett and I.

"You saw what happened," he said to me, "why didn't you stop your friend? He could've been hurt."

I swallowed hard, "I don't know sir," that was all I could say.

"And why are you blaming the kid?" Brett asked, "he didn't do anything wrong, if it wasn't for Easton, Zade could've been dead right now or be on the road to much worse."

Kyle glanced at me and then at Easton, who sat next to me, "true."

The doctor finally came to talk to Brett, I watch Kyle slick back his light brown hair with his hand as he waited.

And then, the doctor left.

"Well?" Kyle crossed his arms as Brett walked up to him, his face was filled with shock, "what did he say?"

I stood from my chair.

"He is in a coma," he told us, "they don't know when he will wake up."

"So, I won't be able to question him?"

Brett shook his head in response.

"Aw sh*t."

That hit me hard when I heard this, I'm afraid that Joe Jr would never wake up, but I feel that we have this sort with each other, what if he never wakes up?


Jacks POV

"What!" I exclaimed after I heard that my brother was in a coma, "for how long?"

Zade shrugged his shoulders and walked over to the bedroom window, he looked outside with his arm on the paine, "they don't know,"

I ran a hand through my hair, I grabbed my crutches and stood up from my bed.

I have to tell him, I have to do it before its too late.


He turned around, "yeah?"

Somehow the words wouldn't come out, "I'm-"

"Spill it out man."

I hesitated.

"Jack? What is that you want to tell me?"

I swallowed hard as sweat dripped down into my eyes, blurring my vision, "I'm-you're brother Zaden."

Zade shot his head back, "what?"

"I'm you're brother," I told him.

But, he didn't believe me, "no your not, I look nothing like you."

"You look more like your mother then you do father," I replied.

Zade shot up to his feet, "you can't be my brother."


He stormed out of the room before I could even finish my sentence.

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