Fuck love

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I watched as his eyes broke and tears fell I hesitated to move toward him afraid if I do something wrong he'll disappear forever just like everyone else
"Never get to close every one leaves." The tiny voice in the back of my head reminded me
I closed my eyes wishing when I opened them I'd be back in his arms and he wouldn't hate me
But, instead I opened them and he stared at me,"I hate you." I blinked back my tears and I wonder were it all went wrong
Did it go wrong when I told him everything about my past?
Did it go wrong when I told him I love you for the first time?
Did it go wrong because I told him...I told him that I kissed him,
I kissed his best friend

He didn't believe the 'silly' lies I told him,"please believe me colby please. It was a stupid fucking dare I did four years ago." I cried out
I wanted to close my eyes again and wish—pray— that I will open them and suddenly he'll believe me
"I don't believe you." I nodded my head and bit my lip
"Colby please." I watched as he got up and went away.
Went away with someone else

"Babe." I feel someone shake me
I open my eyes to see sam shaking me
"Are you okay? You were crying on your sleep." He asks worried
"I'm okay sam." I sniffle and wipe my eyes
"Are you sure?" I sit up and check my phone
I stay still feeling my heart beat in my fingertips

Colby:Mia and me are getting married!
"I'm not okay sammy."

Colby Brock Smut/ ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now