Ahem, i already freaked out about but im still shook ☝🏾

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SOY WAS PLAYING ON MY FFrikin TV IN THE LIVING ROOM. I was just minding my business in my room while my parents were in the living room on mtv and I heard it. I WAS SHOOOKT. And then my mom was like "is that-" and I was like "YUP" and then my dad was like"is that who you're going to see?" And I was like "that's who I wanna see". So moral of the story, soy was playing in my home without me being the one that put it on and both my parents pretty much approved the concert 😉. Also this stupid ass wattpad thing needs to stop. I don't need to see every damn person's thing they post on their message board 😔. AND NOW I FOUND OUT THAT THis chapter SAID PUBLISHed BUT IT DIDNT EVEN PUBLISH, THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE POSTED 7 hours ago sisters 😔.

IcOnicK Bois Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now