Day 9

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Yoon Seungmin: Oppa!

Hong Jisoo: yes?

Yoon Seungmin: please tell my brother that I love him cause this is my last online I am studying so hard to get higher grades but I will try to get online again.

Hong Jisoo: Yes I will, so that's what are you going to say.

Yoon Seungmin: did my brother already told you?

Hong Jisoo:  yes

Yoon Seungmin: I hate that pork chop head.

Hong Jisoo: he is silly aren't he?

Yoon Seungmin: yes he is and he is also a bad influence you too you are a bad influence also.

Hong Jisoo: why I am the bad influence?

Yoon Seungmin: cause you make me fall inlove with you😘

Hong Jisoo: well cause I am handsome, cute and gentleman

Yoon Seungmin: really it's that so? Well that's not true

Hong Jisoo: so why are you inlove with me?

Yoon Seungmin:  cause your kind ok.

Hong Jisoo: .....

Yoon Seungmin:  nothing to chat?

Hong Jisoo: chat you later little giant

Yoon Seungmin: please stop calling me little giant, ok bye

Seen 7:28

Sorry guys for the late update I promise I will write more

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