Day 11 (part 2)

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"Jeonghannie" Jisoo shouted "here is your sister"

"Wait what?" ➡ Seungmin

She come to her brother and slap his face and said "pork chop head what are you doing here?" *making a angry face*

"Why did you slap my handsome face?" ➡ Jeonghan

"Answer me first😠" ➡ Seungmin

"Sis chill I came here to talk to you" ➡ Jeonghan

"Oh yeah what?😑" ➡ Seungmin

"I'm sorry sis for that time when I shouted your crush name I am felling guilty now" ➡ Jeonghan

"I forgive you" She said and hugs here brother

"So cute" *falls tear to his eyes* ➡ Jisoo

"Oppa are you crying?" ➡Seungmin

"No" ➡ Jisoo

"Hey sis can you go to our practice room?" ➡ Jeonghan

"Yes I Loved to" ➡ Seungmin

To be continued..

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