Chapter 14

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Authors note a little later than what I planed but I have delivered. Work and family has kicked my butt the last couple of weeks. Clouding up my inspiration. I also plan to add videos and music to some of the chapters. Tributes and pictures since my lap top is up and running again. Can't do it on the my I phone which sucks cause that's where I write most of my things at. Any way I pray you all enjoy this. I hope it was worth the wait any which way just let me know. :)

"Beware a leopards wrath: fear a lions silence"

If she had to smell his lust on her breath one more time when she opened her mouth to say some casual observation she was going to throw the bitch from the helicopter. She knew creed could be waiting. His men having orders to kill her or at least shoot her in the head. As long as she beat creed there she felt she could push through it well enough.

Perhaps the ocean wouldn't be such a bad place. For her little prissy passenger that is. Once another half hour passed after several more comments from the woman she now despised were made she had had enough. Pulling her the helmet and mask off she enjoyed the look of surprised terror on her face before knocking her out cold.

She landed in the early hours of dawn on the building. Nothing seemed amiss just a few eager businessmen waiting to hear about the bosses reply. She exited through the passenger side holding the waking woman before her gun drawn.

"Please don't!" She yelped as Rowan tugged on her hair.

"Shut up" she moved toward the panicking men. Her senses on high alert.

The shift of air brought a familiar scent to her. She moved her head slightly as the bullet tore past her and into the captives. She made a dash for the door barricading it best she could. The stairs held a surprise her sense picked up. Grabbing a flash grenade from the pilots attire she threw it around the bend closing her eyes.

With that done it wasn't hard to knock most of them out and continue onto her destination. The street. The elevator was too easy but opening the door wasn't. The long shaft made an easy route if you could climb. Her claws made quick work. She stilled as she came down onto the elevator.

He would be waiting he wasn't stupid. She pulled out the hand gun and cocked the trigger. She dropped into the elevator and opened the door. Firing her shot before he could pull the trigger as he jerked dropping the gun. Finally she managed to beat him to it.

Blood pooled sluggishly from his head as she stepped beside him.

"You shouldn't have let her suck your dick " before she took the wallet from his pocket. She stepped over him and toward the lobby doors. Freedom was at hand.

The booming blast and spray of brain matter brought it all to an end though.


Little bitch had shot him! He could play dead though it wasn't that hard to pull off. The shot had been timed perfectly but not aimed exactly right. It had more or less grazed him. When she walked away he turned silently and pulled the gun up and pulled the trigger.

'Paybacks a bitch ' he rose to reclaim his female. Being sure to pump as much tranqs as he could in her before putting her in a car and heading out.

Her face remained in his rear view mirror. She had better sleep while she could hell was going to be her new home.

The basement of his cabin was excellent. A reinforced door. No windows. A empty room with a bed and a small bathroom and chains and a cage. Heaven. He placed her in the cage. Before stabbing another needle into her thigh. Estrogen to quicken the natural process. His purrs echoed across the room as he lay upon the bed. Her quick breathing filling the small cell in the corner.

'Perfect '

Sorry for the long wait I will be writing more tonight or tomorrow.

The Animal Withinحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن