Part 4

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You and Eren were now facing the colossal titan. The colossas raised his hand to try to strike you but you sliced off two of his fingers.

The colossal titan then raised up his hand and swing and then this time you and Eren dodged. When you dodged you saw that the colossal took out all the batteries

Y/n's thoughts:Oh so it looks like the colossal is actually intelligent huh?

You and Eren but used your maneuver gears to swing across the colossal's arm and then you were at the colossal's name.

Y/n:Hey Eren, let's kill this ugly bastard together.


You and Eren both swing towards the nape, ready to slice it but the colossal started producing steam.

Y/n's thought:Oh god, it burns.

This didn't stop you from going to it nape and preparing to slice but by the to.e you were at about slice the nape, the colossal vanishes.

Y/n's thought:Where the hell did it go?

You swung back onto the wall.

Thomas:Y/n, did you guys get it?

Y/n:No, it vanished. But that doesn't matter now, the wall has been breached, we must started fighting before the titans get in.

You started moving around in the town seeing that there were people running for they're lives. You got where Mikasa was.

Y/n:Mikasa, look we gotta take out as many titan as we can to keep everyone safe. If we don't cover up the wall on the wall, this wall could be destroyed just as well.

You got where your suppose be at the meeting.

Woermann:Split up your individual squad just like you did in training.You will be under Garrison command!Your duties are to be assisting supplies, communication and wiping out the titans.The first line of defense will be the frontline unity of the Garrisons!The second line will be the squad under our control.The Harrison's elite unit will the the rearguard.We've received word that the vanguard had been annihilated!The other gate was destroyed and the titans have encroached upon the city.Which means that the armor titan might show any minute to breach the inner gate!

This really got everyone startled and they started chattering among themselves.

Woerman:Silence!The frontline guards are in combat now!The goal in this defensive operation:Defend wall rose until the people of wall rose evacuated at all cost! And just in case that you forgot, let me remind you that desertion is capital offense!Vow on your heart to devote your heart.Dismiss!

Everyone started scattering. You saw Mikasa so you walked up beside and tap her on the shoulders.

Y/n:Hey Mikasa,you know that you have someone on your life that you care for and you want to protect that special person with all your life? well I have someone care for the most right  now.

Mikasa: And who might that be?

You surprised Mikasa by pulling her towards you and then pressing your lips against hers.

Y/n:That person is you Mikasa.

Mikasa then grabs and kissed you back.

Y/n:So bye beautiful.

You left Mikasa with her cheeks all pink.You got back to your squad and began to your speech to them.

Y/n:Today is the day that we fight back. Today is the the day that we gave to those bastards what they deserve!

Everyone started cheering at your speech.

Y/n:Let's move out.

You used your odm gear to swing around the village. A titan appeared in front of you but you dodged and then you swung begin d it and slit it nape.

Y/n:There, I got one titan down.

You continued swinging until you spotted a titan which looks like it was about to so you decided to alert everyone about it.

Y/n:Everyone quickly, there's a titan coming, move quickly.

Everyone evade but unfortunately it looks like Thomas had been caught by the titan.

Thomas:Guys, please help.

The titan proceeded to swallow Thomas whole and then walked off.

Eren:How dare, How dare you, you motherfucker?!

Eren swung after the titan.

Y/n:Eren wait, you idiot.

You swung after Eren making sure that he doesn't get himself killed. A titan jumped and bit Eren causing him to fall on top of the roof. You sung and slit nape of the titan that bit Eren, killing it.

You land on top of the roof that Eren landed on.

Eren:I'm sorry.

Y/n:I'll deal with your mistake later which was vey childish and stupid, but we got much more things to worry about right about now.

You saw your squad getting slaughtered and You saw Mina about get eaten alive by a titan so you swung towards the titan's nape and cut it. You picked up Mina and called in help.

Y/n:Listen, I did you get help as soon as possible.

You handed over to a cadet before going back on top of the rooftop.

Y/n:Listen here guys, I need you all to take out all the titans that are in wall rose.


Eren didn't warned you in time about the titan that was behind you and grabbed you and dragged through building leaving you all blooded and wounded.

The titan was about put you in its mouth as Armin and Eren watched in shock. Once the titan put you in its mouth,you bit your hand a huge wave of lightning blowing Eren and Armin away.

Armin's Pov

I can't believe that I just witness that one got best friends got eaten. While I was still in shock, A titan grabbed and I have even moved a inch.


Once the titan put me in its mouth Eren pushes me put of there leaving him in the titan's mouth.


Eren raised out his hand and So I put my hand out for Eren to grab but the the titan shut its mouth bitung off Eren's hand and swallowing Eren in the process.


No one POV

You were now in the form of a muscular titan. You looked towards the titans in front of you.

They charged towards but you easily pounded them into the ground. You let out a mighty roar.

I hope you guys really liked this part because I certainly did.

Attack on titan book 1:Battle for Wall Maria(Male reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now